Playback adding an extra whole note(?)

• Dec 29, 2023 - 03:57

I'm just now returning to musescore so I'm new to the whole "4" thing however the first note of the woodwinds (no matter which woodwind) is holding the first pitch of the grace note for longer than it should which is ultimately creating a dissonance in my track. I've attached the file below for reference with just the flutes, however, it does this in all parts of the woodwind section. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Attachment Size
example.mscz 32.21 KB


This is a problem with the flute 1 font. The 1 and 2 don't refer to desks. 1 is supposed to be more expressive than 2. That's all. Use flute 2 for the first flute staff and it will play correctly.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you! This did fix my flute problem, however, the Clarinets are doing it as well. Any solution for those?

Also, I'm having some issues with a harp line I'm trying to write not playing all of the notes, do you by any chance know the solution to fixing that? Linked below. Thank you again!!

Attachment Size
harp.mscz 41.35 KB

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