Staff Spacers now work better in 4.2 Thank you!

• Dec 30, 2023 - 12:32

In MuseScore 4.0 and 4.1 one could drop a staff spacer from the Layout palette, but then one had to activate it by finding the tip of its arrowhead and drag it a bit. Rather hard and clumsy.

In 4.2 you can drop a staff spacer into the score and it is immediately active. Thank you to whoever got this working!


"In MuseScore 4.0 and 4.1 one could drop a staff spacer from the Layout palette, but then one had to activate it by finding the tip of its arrowhead and drag it a bit."

Not so.
In MS3, MS4.0 and MS4.1 you could use the Tab key to select the anchor point, then use Ctrl+DownArrow to move the anchor point.
And in MS4.2 you can still use that technique, without touching the mouse.

In reply to by DanielR

Thanks for your reply. I have tried your technique and it works. But I haven't tried it in MS4.1 as this has now been overwritten in my computer.

My more basic technique is described in the MS4 manual: "Once you have added a spacer, you can adjust its height by selecting it and dragging its handle", which was what I always did.

I don't want to revert to 4.1, so am not able to recreate the behaviour I was experiencing, but if one dropped a spacer into the score, it had no handles on it until activated, whereas now in 4.2 it has has those handles straight away. And to activate it with the mouse, it wasn't enough to click the arrowhead: it had to be dragged to get the handles to appear.

But perhaps it would have activated itself had I known your technique of using the up/down arrows on it.
Thanks to all, anyway, it's a wonderful program!

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