Element join
When you insert for example a note and it spams multiple measures all of a sudden it becomes multiple elements. How to i join these elements to be just one ?
When you insert for example a note and it spams multiple measures all of a sudden it becomes multiple elements. How to i join these elements to be just one ?
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a) by having measures that are long enough
b) by enabling Format > Style > Score > Display note values across measure boundaries (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!)
c) they are joined already, by a tie, if not, add a tie
In reply to a) by having measures that… by Jojo-Schmitz
I mean in plugin when I add a chord which spams multiple measure the first note is the lenght I want connected with tie but the rest of the notes finish when the meassure ends
In reply to I mean in plugin when I add… by kamilio141414
Ah, sorry, I missed that this is in the Plugins forum
Might be a bug in the plugins API
In reply to I mean in plugin when I add… by kamilio141414
Known issue. See https://musescore.org/en/node/330477#comment-1120618
In reply to Known issue. See https:/… by elsewhere
But hasn't been reported on GitHub yet, or has it?
In reply to But hasn't been reported on… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't think so. Marc Sabatella agrees it's desirable but low priority...
In reply to I don't think so. Marc… by elsewhere
As long as it isn't on GitHub, it isn't really a known problem ;-)
In reply to As long as it isn't on… by Jojo-Schmitz
I invite the OP to post the issue on Github
But be aware that there are 8 pages of just MS3 regressions, the earliest dating from Nov 25, 2021
So don’t hold your breath waiting for a fix…
A full list of MuseScore 3 features not (yet) implemented in MuseScore 4 is found here
I completely get your frustration—having notes split into multiple elements when you want them as one can be really annoying. Unfortunately, some tools just don’t make this kind of merging straightforward.