Repeat is muting an increasing number of notes at the start of 2nd time

• Jan 9, 2024 - 09:11

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521124, revision: eb8d33c

I've set up a two measure repeat, and the playback began skipping the first note in the drumset part. So, I tried reducing the duration of the last drum note in the pair of bars, so that it didn't reach the end of the affected area - in case that was interfering with the beginning.
As a result, playback is now missing not just the first note of the drumset staff, but the whole measure of both the drumset and piano parts.
Seems I can't go 50 minutes of worktime on MS4 without encountering serious bugs.

Attachment Size
Alessandrina_in_La_1_-_arr._base.mscz 65.85 KB


It happened again outside of a repeat, this time. The setting is:
- measure filled with slashes
- invisible notes in a different voice
However, when the problem extended to the piano staff earlier, the piano had none of those characteristics. It was plain old notes

It seems to be happening at more and more random places, and there's an ever-increasing amount of lag, freezes, and loss of audio quality. I shouldn't have trusted MS4 for my thesis...

In reply to by Nicola Rulli

If it's reproducible for you in any of those cases, please list the precise steps so we can try to confirm. There were some recent (within the last few days) fixes that may have addressed this for a coming update.

FWIW, most repeat playback bugs are temporary glitches that fix themselves the next time the playback data is recalculated - either on the next edit,or save/reload.

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