Musescore 4 Craches on opening - WIN 11

• Apr 26, 2024 - 09:46

Hello MuseScore Community,

I'm encountering a consistent issue with MuseScore 4 on my Windows 11 system. The application starts up normally, and I can navigate to the home page and the "Published" tab without any issues. However, the program crashes every time I try to load any score, whether it's an old or a new file. As soon as the score appears, MuseScore shuts down completely.

Here are the details of my setup:

Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz
RAM: 32.0 GB

I've already tried the following troubleshooting steps:

Restarting the computer
Updating MuseScore and Windows
Running MuseScore in compatibility mode for Windows 8 (which initially helped but then led to severe slowness)
Checking audio drivers and system resources
Full reinstall of MuseScore

None of these steps have resolved the issue. I'm looking for any advice or suggestions on what else I might try to fix this problem. Any assistance from the community would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,


In reply to by HildeK

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Indeed, the "Revert to factory Settings" option works very well, but I had already used this solution about 1 week ago and the problem seems to be coming back.

To be clear, I forgot about this option, it works fine and I thank you for reminding me.

Now everything's working again, but it's more out of curiosity that I'm wondering why this problem is happening. Is it possible that this bug is caused by some conflict with Cubase 12 pro (I should point out that my software is up to date)?


In reply to by mercuree

The OP said any MS file, so it doesn't sound like an issue with a score in particular and posting won't achieve anything in this case. Can the OP create a brand new score that works OK (i.e. can be re-opened)? This wasn't clear from the original message as you don't load 'new' scores, you just create them.

I agree. We need a file from his system. If it crashes my system, we know there is a problem with the file. If it doesn't crash my system, we know there is a problem with his system.

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