open the file with old version

• May 14, 2024 - 16:50

I'm new to MuseScore and try to open the downloaded file for transposing the key on MAcBook. However, this file is unable to open and the application keeps closing after file downloaded. Also, could not open in the mobile app

any advice please.


I can't help with MacOS problems, because I am using Windows 10. But I can tell you the following:
a) when I download the score, it opens and plays fine in Mu 3.6.2 (the older version used to create the score);
b) when I open the same score in Mu 4.3.0, there is an info message (see below) rather than an error message - but when I click OK, the score opens and plays correctly:

Does your computer meet the minimum System Requirements for Mu4?
Which version of MacOS are you using?
What error message(s) are you seeing?
Can you open other scores successfully?
Can you open the attached MusicXML file successfully?

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