Muse Strings Playback

• Jul 11, 2024 - 20:35

Hi! 🙂

I’m using Muse Strings and for some reason, the different voices are out of sync, it sounds a bit like continuous suspensions of eighth note length. It has happened before but it was usually fine after restarting the app. Now, it doesn’t go back to normal no matter what I do. I’ve tried everything I could think of, even uninstalling and then reinstalling Muse Strings. I also created an MP3 file, but it sounds the same.

The problem is most noticeable in longer strings of eighth notes. Also, it only occurs with Muse Strings’ violins, not with any other instrument. So it can’t really be an issue of the audio-driver, it is app-internal. I could of course simply use violins of a different sound-library, but among the ones I have, I like Muse Strings best, by far.

Any idea how to fix this? Is the issue known?

Kind regards,


In reply to by bobjp

I have solved the problem! When I deleted all open texts (which I had merely used to indicate “simile”, so it’s dispensible), the playback was back to normal. I should have tried that earlier; I already had playback issues caused by open text in Musescore 4 in the past. Is this bug known? Or should I report it somewhere?

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