Isolating one line from a multi-part score

• Jul 25, 2024 - 11:27

I want to select one line from, say, a three-part score, either to make a change (e.g. add an ottava line) or to isolate it in order to copy and save it as a stand-alone single-line part. At present, I can select one line from the first staff of a three-line score that has, say, 10 staves in all, but I can't see how to apply that selection to ALL the lower lines from ALL staves in one go. Example of 3-line score attached, which I want to render as three separate parts, each of one line.

I'm sure this is a simple issue, so I'd be grateful if someone could refer me to the page in the manual that gives the relevant instruction. Advice welcome!


Is there a reason you are going through all that rather than simply using the parts that MuseScore Studio generates automatically? If you're not familiar with how parts work, see the Parts page in the Basics chapter. If that's not what you mean, can you explain in more detail?

Hmm... What is the origin of your file?
I hear violin, piano, and cello; yet the Instrument panel shows no names. The Mixer has names Piano, Piano, Piano, each Part is named as a piano but sound as violin, piano, cello.
Furthermore, in File > Project properties... the Work title is "Sandvik Polka".

Anyway, ignoring the foregoing, you wrote:
I want to select one line from, say, a three-part score... in order to... save it as a stand-alone single-line part.

Jojo's link above explains that: "Parts can not be saved as individual MuseScore files"

However, you mention your Example of 3-line score attached, which I want to render as three separate parts, each of one line.

Okay, since a MuseScore .mscz is a compressed zip file, I opened your file, created all the parts (3 parts) within MuseScore, then saved it. I then unzipped the mscz, accessed the Excerts (i.e., parts) folder where I then opened/saved each part separately.
Here they are as individual MuseScore files:

Here's a visual of an mscz file's unzipped contents:
The above image is not of your score, of course.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for these replies, chaps. The key to addressing the main issue was the reference to the Parts tab on the score: knowing about that, I can now isolate and edit individual lines, export them, save them as .pdf files and print them individually. I'm grateful for the advice. (Though I'm curious as to why they can't simply be saved as MuseScore files . . . but it may be best not to go there).

In response to other points . . .
I don't write lines for specific instruments: I write them all as piano lines in the treble clef simply so I can hear how they work together and compose/edit as I go. If I want a part to sound lower, I click add>lines>8va bass*. If I want to listen back with different sounds, I tweak the options on the mixer. Clumsy, I know, but it works for me.

  • This was my other question: is it possible to select a line on more than one staff? I.e., can I select ,say, the bottom line on ALL the staves in the whole piece in one go? At present, I have to select bottom line, staff 1, add 8va - select bottom line , staff 2 . . . and so on. Any tips on this? or the page number in the handbook?

In reply to by Nyckelharpist

You ask:
This was my other question: is it possible to select a line on more than one staff? I.e., can I select ,say, the bottom line on ALL the staves in the whole piece in one go?

Here I am assuming you mean to select the bottom staff on all the systems.

Okay... so for a range selection of the bottom line (actually staff), click on the first measure of that staff:
then hold Shift and click on the last measure of the staff (2):
The bottom staff of all systems is selected.

Edit: You may need to also include the pickup measure if you select one of the other staves.

In reply to by Nyckelharpist

Why would you want to have to save them separately? They are already as part of the main score. And you can export PDF's for all parts at once.

I'm not understanding you question about 8va, but if you are say8ing that for some reason even those the parts differ, it happens to be the case that all should receive 8va lines in the exact same place, you can do that. Select the passage across all the staves, then click the palette icon.

In reply to by Nyckelharpist

You wrote:
At present, I have to select bottom line, staff 1, add 8va - select bottom line , staff 2 . . . and so on.

Indeed... I see that you had added individual 8va bassa lines to each and every bottom staff of each system. My method of range selecting the first and last measures and then adding the 8va bassa line will do it "in one go". It produces a single 8va bassa line spanning all the selected measures. It can also be easily deleted "in one go".

Any tips on this?

Tip: Another way to select all the measures in a staff is to click the first, then press and hold Ctrl+Shift+End.

Finally, not a tip but a suggestion:
I have deleted all those individual 8va bassa lines in your score and added the 8va bassa treble clef.
Open this score and notice the little 8 on the bottom of the treble clef:
Bröllopsmarsch till Marian och Adam 2.mscz
No need to fuss with 8va lines throughout the score.

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