issue with using palette-saved staff type changes

• Jul 28, 2024 - 10:49

Untitled score 2024-07-28 02-43-32.gif

video demonstration

  1. Create score with one or more staffs.
  2. Place staff type change on a staff.
  3. Edit parameters of staff type change.
  4. Drag it into palette as custom element.
  5. Place that custom element on the staff
  6. Ctrl+Z / Undo
  7. Grow infinitely long bars
  8. ????????
  9. profit

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.1-241490900, revision: 026c26b


In reply to by bobjp

I'm trying to use a saved preset staff type change with notehead schemes on multiple staffs to save time.
Obviously this does not work well. If I happen to make a mistake and undo, every single bar appears to extend visibly, even when hitting undo. There isn't a way to reverse that afaik.

This works flawlessly in Musescore 3.

EDIT: I did more testing. It only happens when I toggle barlines off. It seems to be fine with key signature changes and time signature changes toggled off.

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