Musescore 4 not opening on MacBook

• Jul 29, 2024 - 23:30

I used to be able to open Musescore 4 along with MuseHub on my MacBook Pro without any trouble, but today I can't. I've tried uninstalling Musescore and MuseHub and installing them again but that hasn't helped. Now Musescore 4 only bounces a few times, the dot appears indicating the app is open, and then it closes. Before I uninstalled them, Musescore 4 would bounce once and then stop. I've tried opening them through Finder in the Applications section, the Launchpad, MuseHub, right-clicking on Open on the dock's icon, and saved .mscz files to no avail. How do I open it again?


For a clean install (your settings will be lost, not your scores) and you are familiar with the/your user-Library-folder and you know what you're doing, you could try to remove all the Muse folders/files over there, before you reinstall Musescore.
That is:
First; delete MuseScore 4 and Muse Hub from your Application folder and from the Dock.
Second: In the user folder with the home-icon (not the HD folder) :
Go to the Library folder :
1/ in Appication Support: remove the Muse Hub-, MuseSampler-, MuseScore-folders
2// in Caches: remove the file com.muse.hub
3/ in Preferences: remove the files org.musescore.MuseScore.plist and org.musescore.MuseScore4.plist

B.t.w. If you can't see your user-Library folder in the User Folder then go to your user folder and click on View in the top menu, and click on Show View Options , in the window that shows up you can enable Show Library folder.

In reply to by supersarah297

Hi, Same problem, Musescore 4 won't open. I read about the /usr/local/lib solution but how do you do it?

I followed the instructions: shift+command+G but /usr/local/lib doesn't return any results. I got into the usr/local folder but there's nothing in there even with hidden items revealed. (see screenshot). I've searched for the libMuseSamplerCoreLib.dylib file other ways but I can't find it.

I'm on an Apple M1 iMac running MAcOS 14.5

Thanks for any help!! QY

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