Create a video

• Jan 22, 2024 - 05:40

I like creating a video from a score – to share with friends for example.
It's like you press "play" in MuseScore and watch it playing the score to the end.
(I'll attach some video to this post to illustrate).

The way I create these is:
a) I use screen recording feature on my Mac Book,
- but the quality of sound is terrible as it takes sound from the microphone, so:
b) I export an mp3, and
3) I combine both in iMovie.

This is OK but cumbersome. Would be nice if MuseScore allowed "Export" / "As a video".
Not a big deal but nice to have and I think many would enjoy such a feature.


Attachment Size
Twinkle, don't tremble v4 choir.mscz 41.94 KB


I am very familiar with this, as part of my job often involves developing presentations for various projects. Sometimes there is a need to include audio tracks, which of course is more time-consuming. I was advised to use a service that sets up wireless presentation for various needs and clients, installing all the necessary software for working with sound and video, which simplifies my work. A big plus is that this equipment can also be used for video conferencing. I think this service could also be useful for you.

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