MuseScore Pro

• May 9, 2023 - 20:56

I just paid to upgrade to MuseScore Pro. I understood that I would have access to additional features with this upgrade, but I don't see any new software to download. How do I access the new features? What are they?


You have paid to take out a MuseScore Pro subscription to the score sharing website That Pro subscription allows you to download non-public domain scores. It has nothing to do with the MuseScore notation editing software obtainable free (no cost) from here There is no way to pay for the MuseScore software and no paid for facility to upgrade its facilities. Upgrades come for free as they are developed.



If you realise you don't want the Pro subscription you may also want to look at this FAQ as well

In reply to by SteveBlower

I am considering downgrading from PRO+ to the Free version. However, the pricing summary, ,
implies that I will then longer be able to EXPORT OR PRINT the score:

"Export and print options: Download scores in the preferred format. Print full score or by parts" — NOT AVAILABLE for anything below MS PRO.

That is, Free Musescore DOES NOT have the full feature set. This would be very disappointing.

NOTE. The pricing summary has an omission: Only plans with non-zero cost are shown. What about the Free version?

Is this correct?

In reply to by griffin25

You wrote:
That is, Free Musescore DOES NOT have the full feature set.

The free Musescore membership DOES NOT have the full feature set (of a PRO membership).
which states:
"Upgrading to a PRO account unlocks additional features of the website and mobile app."
So, features of the website, not features of the (free) MuseScore notation program.

You wrote:
What about the Free version?

By comparison...
The MuseScore 4 notation program is not a website. It can be used offline. The (free) program is full featured. You can create and print scores; print parts; playback scores; edit, transpose; export as pdf, or as audio, or as an image, or as MusicXML; etc.

In reply to by griffin25

If all you use is the notation program, you should never have paid anything in the first place.
Paid membership have nothing to do with the notation program.
The notation program exists in only one single version, full featured and free.
Now you may take a paid membership as a way to support the MuseScore company of course, personaly I donated a small amount of money years ago when I started to use MuseScore.

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