Weird blue vertical bar appeared. Now I can't play back the score.

• Aug 25, 2024 - 00:08

Dear MuseScore people,
I have a weird problem, and I can't figure it out. 🤔

I just opened one of my scores, and I pressed play. It is refusing to play,
and a weird blue vertical bar has appeared in the score. I have no clue
what this is, so I don't know what to search for in the Handbook.

Screenshot (135).jpg

Can anybody tell me what this blue bar represents?

And how do I get out of this mode so that I can go back to normal and play back my score?

Thank you for any help you could offer me! 🙏


Perhaps your audio output setting has gone missing. Do other scores play? If not look in MuseScore Preferences>I/O to see if it's still selected or selectable.

In reply to by scorster

Actually, I'm on PC - but Pentatonus showed me that "Preferences" are under the "Edit" menu (I didn't see it before, but I found it now). Thanks.

OMG - I went to "I/O" and fiddled with the "Audio device" settings. The playback is working now! Thank you so much for your help. 🥳 Have a great day! 😸

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