musescore suddenly sounds harsh and terrible to the ear, and everything sounds so sharp
One day I logged on to musescore, and everything suddenly sounded fake and before the playback actually produced some amazing sounds! Now for some reason everything sounds like a weird synth, and everything is harsh and dissonant to the ear, and the piano sounds terribly bold. Even when I adjust the dynamics it still sounds horrible! How do i fix this, i want the old sound back!
Heres an example of something i began to upload before the sound quality went down:
and here is the same score now! Why does especially the strings and piano sound so horrible! and the balance is all out of wack, all the horn instruments are so weird, just everything is so weird: It wont let me upload an audio for some reason but the quality is horrible!
this is the version i just posted the strings and piano sound so horrible😭 please help
In reply to… by Suite.Png
Probably one uses Muse Sound and the ither MS Basic?
In reply to Probably one uses Muse Sound… by Jojo-Schmitz
do you have any ideas as to how I can get back to the original sound I had? I did not change anything on my end, and I have not trouble the sound fonts either. Should I try emailing the helpdesk
In reply to do you have any ideas as to… by Suite.Png
In reply to See… by Jojo-Schmitz
thank you! i will check it out
In reply to thank you! i will check it… by Suite.Png
Did you manage to fix the sound?