XML import ignores Chord accidentals?

• Sep 18, 2024 - 16:26

Hello everybody,

I am a beginner at Musescore. I'm using Cubase to export a melody plus chords as an XML file, including the Cubase Chord Track. This imports nicely into Musescore, with one caviat:

For some reason, Musescore ignores any accidentals in my chord symbols when importing. E.g.: If Cubase has a B flat minor (Bbm) chord, it exports into XML as follows:


But Musescore displays - and plays! - a Bm chord.

Is this something I can fix in Musescore? or is it something that Cubase is fomatting the chord in a different way? I have to do this for a ton of songs, so fixing it is preferable to manually going over every single chord.

Thanks for your help guys!

  • Gerben

(edit: thanks JoJo Schmitz for help with the formatting)


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