Pre 4.4.3 Jazz Segno/Coda Symbols

• Oct 29, 2024 - 01:42

Ok, so I'm glad we can adjust the size of codas and segnos again. That said, I really like the look of their symbols in Jazz fonts pre 4.4.3. They were really bold and easy to see. Does anyone know if there's an easy way to put them back?


I agree, the jazz symbols for segno and coda are much, much better. Is it still possible to use them? If yes, how? If not, can they please be returned to MuseScore?

I came here because I was wondering why I suddenly cannot seem to get these jazz sign and coda symbols with the boxes around them! It looks like they must have disappeared when 4.4.3 was introduced? I'd love to have them back with 4.4.5.

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