Getting 'unattached' text objects
Hi there
My plugin has set up a Cursor loop to go through my score, and getting all the dynamics and text objects. Currently I'm using the ‘annotations’ feature of Segment. This normally gets me 95% of the dynamics and text objects in the score.
However, there is a pesky 5% of objects that are not attached to a Segment. For instance, you can attach a dynamic in a voice that has no notes in it, and it will still display, but will not come up in the Segment annotations loop.
While you are able to get those objects from looping through Selection.elements, this then raises the prospect of having to do some tricky coding algorithm to sort out which text objects are annotations and which are ‘unattached’.
Any thoughts?
> 5% of objects that are not attached to a Segment
Which musescore version are you using? Would you mind uploading an example mscz?
> For instance, you can attach a dynamic in a voice that has no notes in it
I tried 3 scenarios of rest symbols on ms3, with dynamics symbols and staff text anchored. Using . Not using curscore.selection.element
In reply to > 5% of objects that are… by msfp
Thank you for this — yes, I eventually worked out that I was looking at the wrong loop. Thanks for your help.
In reply to > 5% of objects that are… by msfp
By the way, how do you get that window with the Element hierarchy in it?
In reply to By the way, how do you get… by michaelnorris
That window is the debugger inside MuseScore 3 Nightly…
In reply to That window is the debugger… by msfp
Ah right — I came to plugin development only using MuseScore 4, which sadly lacks the debugger.