SEVERE BUG - can't click on most invisible items
I've written several notes and pieces of expression text that are useless to the jazz musicians I'm going to give the score, but are useful to me in order to hear something close to what they might play.
Now, those elements are unclickable. And for the notes and rest, that's okay, I can just select the measure then press V. But for text, like the Swing indicator, now it's stuck there and I can't make any changes.
Should I try to export to MusicXML and open in MS3.6?
More precisely, I seems the reliable way to trigger the bug is to try to right click a highlighted invisible item. That will instantly deselect it and make it impossible to click again.
In reply to More precisely, the… by Nicola Rulli
Please post a score. I can't make any of this happen in a score I create.
In reply to Please post a score. I can't… by bobjp
In reply to Please post a score. I can't… by bobjp
First "swing" text can't be rightclicked, and only very rarely left clicked
In reply to First "swing" text can't be… by Nicola Rulli
No problem on my system so it might be specific to your OS, your computer setup. I do have a 27" monitor but even when I shrink the score down to 50% I can left- or right-click on all the invisible elements.
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521125, revision: eb8d33c
In reply to No problem on my system so… by underquark
Not a matter of size, first thing I tried was zooming in until the "ink" in the text was much larger than my mouse pointer. And, as I said, making it visible makes it clickable again.
In reply to Please post a score. I can't… by bobjp
I found the workaround of clicking the next visible item of the same type (or placing a new one), and navigating with alt+arrows, then making the invisible element visible again. That makes rightclick work again. The visibility is definitely the discriminating factor
In reply to More precisely, the… by Nicola Rulli
I can confirm this issue. In fact, I was about to post about this myself. In one of my scores I can select none of the invisible items (notes, text, chord symbols, etc.) when View->Show->Show invisible is selected. However, as toffle describes below, if I select the measure itself, and the hit 'V', everything becomes visible and can be selected again.
The drawback to the workaround is that if you only wanted to make one item visible, all the others have to be made invisible again manually (which is a PITA sometimes).
Musescore OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670
I was going to report this issue, but a quick search led me to this thread.
I can confirm that this issue continues in MuseScore Studio (
In the attached score, the marking in M1 can be easily clicked and edited as normal/expected. The marking in M2 is not immediately accessible. If I do manage to select the marking, I get one shot at doing something with it. If I click somewhere away from the marking, it is unresponsive.
In reply to I was going to report this… by toffle
I can select the M2 at any time as expected. Every time and how many times i click on it.
In reply to I can select the M2 at any… by [DELETED] 1307581
Just to check what may be happening:
Are you able to toggle the visibility without difficulty?
Can you return to the invisible marking repeatedly? On my system, (Win 11), I can only "touch" an invisible item once before it becomes unresponsive.
It appears that this may be a system-specific issue, which is odd, because my computer has been very stable with most reported MS issues.
Thanks for confirming that this is not a universal MS issue.
I find it interesting that so few users have this specific problem.
In reply to Interesting. Just to check… by toffle
Just to add.
W11, 4.4.4
I can select both tempos multiple times and toggle on and off visibility.
In reply to Just to add. W11, 4.4.4 I… by bobjp
As someone else mentioned, there are workarounds, so this is not a huge issue for me. My workaround is to select the measure containing the invisible marking and hit "V". This does not, as I might expect, make the whole measure invisible, but toggles just the tempo marking. This is odd, but I can live with it.
[EDIT] Just playing around before I hit send on this comment:
1. If nothing is already marked invisible, selecting the whole measure and pressing V makes everything invisible. This is as expected.
2. If the whole measure is marked invisible, selecting and pressing V makes everything visible. This is also as expected.
3. If only the tempo marking is invisible, selecting the measure and pressing V toggles the visibility of only the marking. I don't believe this is the expected behaviour. Is it?
I generally don't hide markings until I am ready to issue parts to musicians anyway, so this has only a minor impact on my workflow.
In reply to Curious. As someone else… by toffle
I think it's the expected behaviour, or at least a possible one. Amongst all "toggle multiple items" tools in all programs, you can abundantly find examples of both "toggle each individual item every time" and "if some of the selected items have different on/off values from one another, on first use sync them all to the same value, then toggle the whole selection together on subsequent uses".
In reply to I think it's the expected… by Nicola Rulli
You're not wrong about any of this.
My point is that if I select a measure in which a marking is hidden, it appears as though the notes are selected, not the marking. Given the appearance that the notes are selected, pressing V would be expected to toggle their properties. Similarly, given the appearance that the marking is NOT selected, you would not expect pressing V to have any effect on its properties.
All this being said, now that I know of the issue and how to avoid it, it is no longer much of a hindrance. It is curious though, that it affects such a small percentage of users, with everyone else reporting, "works for me".
In reply to Curious. As someone else… by toffle
However. Consider this: You have a measure with notes and a tempo mark. Select the tempo and make it invisible. Go to View and uncheck "Show visible". Another person looking at this measure would have no idea where the tempo is. Or if there are other invisible things. So, select the measure and hit V. The tempo becomes visible. I think that is just how it is supposed to work.
In reply to Interesting. Just to check… by toffle
Hi, i'm on Linux Mint 22 AppImage 4.4.4
No difficulties here.
Seems to be a problem with MS and Win11?
In reply to Hi, i'm on Linux Mint 22… by [DELETED] 1307581
"3. If only the tempo marking is invisible, selecting the measure and pressing V toggles the visibility of only the marking. I don't believe this is the expected behaviour. Is it?"
What behaviour would you expect?
In reply to "3. If only the tempo… by cadiz1
I'm'a guess that they expected a simple toggle: everything that is visible becomes invisible and everything that is invisible becomes visible.
They should compare MS Word and boldface: When you select a range that includes some bold and some not, clicking the Bold button (or pressing Ctrl+B) doesn't toggle the text, it simply turns on bold for the entire selection.
In reply to "3. If only the tempo… by cadiz1
The answer to this question points to the particular problem that we are addressing.
The problem is selecting (and editing) invisible objects.
For users experiencing this problem, when we select a measure containing a hidden object, the notes in the measure appear to be selected. The hidden object still appears to be inaccessible. Because of these appearances, the expectation would be that toggling visibility would affect the notes.
If you are not experiencing this issue, this workaround may seem counterintuitive. All I can say is that it works the way I have described it, though the description itself may be confusing.
In reply to The answer to this question… by toffle
On my Win11 system, no problem in selecting the invisible tempo marking.
Maybe something related to graphics card/high dpi/scaling??
In reply to On my Win11 system, no… by Henk De Groot
AMD Ryzen 3 3250U with Radeon Graphics 2.60 GHz
I run MS on dual monitors, but the problem persists if I'm just using the laptop screen itself.
In reply to AMD Ryzen 3 3250U with… by toffle
I also have a dual monitors, Intel i7-12700H with Nvidia geforce RTX 3050 Ti.
Please find attached my MS log file.
I opened the temp file you shared, selected the 2nd Tempo marking (the invible one) and repeatedly toggled visibility by pressing V.
In the file it indicates:
2024-12-24T07:17:59.838 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Using graphics api: "d3d11"
2024-12-24T07:17:59.839 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Detecting problems with graphics api
In previous versions there have been display related issues reported and they were somehow linked to a specific graphics type being used. Do you see similar info in your log file?
You can find the logs at: %localappdata%/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs
In reply to I also have a dual monitors,… by Henk De Groot
Yes, I have those same entries in my AppData
What should this tell me?
I had to copy the text to another file because the forum software rejected the .log file, even when I renamed it.
In reply to Yes, I have those same… by toffle
I was hoping your system would be using a different graphics api, but as it doesn't that is not the issue.