disable empty stave cascading on pdf export

• Dec 26, 2024 - 15:17

When exporting scores for single instrument in MS, it often shortens the empty staves with a number (depending on how many they are), but I'd like to see them as they were in their long version.

I already checked in Style > Score, my "Hide empty staves within the system" is unchecked.

How is this done?

Attachment Size
empty stave.png 11.14 KB


In reply to by bobjp

yes, I mean the measures.

Ctrl+shift+M does this on the MS score, yet after I have exported the score (into a pdf), of an instrument that begins with empty measures, the exported pdf gets the shortened notation with the number for the empty measures.

Is there a way to achieve the same effect (ctrl+shift+M) in the pdf export procedure?

In reply to by traditions

" the same effect (ctrl+shift+M) in the pdf export procedure?"
You mean in the main score? Unless all instruments stop playing at the same time for X measures, the multimeasures rest cannot be displayed.
It's the "Hide empty staves within the system" function, as you've already tried, that will be relevant here.
But it's something else.

In reply to by cadiz1

yes, the shorten version appears always in the Parts (whatever the instrument).

I guess it's a default behavior of MS.
So, I managed to undo the combination in the empty staves of a particular Part (Ctrl+shift+M). Which actually works for me perfectly.

@bobjp and @cadiz - thanks you!

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