Adding a frame containing chord diagrams

• Jan 8, 2025 - 19:50

I wish to create a box below the title into which chord diagrams will be placed. I believe what I want is called a vertical frame, but when I click "Add | Frame | Insert vertical frame" nothing happens. I don't know how to control where the frame is to be placed.

Also, I have a palette of fretboard diagrams, but can only seem to place them with a selected note, not within an existing frame, so as you can see I am missing some essential concepts.

Attachment Size
Parting_Glass_new.mscz 36.41 KB


A frame is always attached to a note/rest. Since you want the fretboard diagrams placed before (above) the score, select the first note or rest in the score, then click Add / Frame / Insert vertical frame. You should see a dotted-line box the width of the score and about 1.5-2 cm (~1/2 - 3/4 inches) tall above the first system.

Click on the box and click Add / Text. You'll see a cursor. Don't try to click it, just start typing!

Click on the box and click to Add / Image and you can add an image file. Presumably that's what you'll have to do to add your fretboard diagrams. I have successfully added both .JPG and .PNG files.

Due to the odd way that adding either text segments or images works. you'll find that your best bet is to add the last (rightmost) fretboard diagram first, move it into its correct place at the right, then add second to last, etc. You'll find this described for lyrics after the end of the score in

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

:-O I had always assumed so. However, I find that I can attach a frame to a measure, a time signature, a key signature, a clef, a chord, a lyric syllable, a barline. However, I can't attach it to nothing; it must be explicitly attached to something.

So it works as I had described: just not solely as I had described. Select the first note (or the initial clef or any of the other first items) and Add / Frames / Insert vertical frame. If you select anything after the first measure (including the barline immediately after the pickup), the frame will go after the pickup, which I'm fairly sure you do not want.

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