How to get started developing plug-ins
I browsed to the developer's page and the plug-in chapter it mentions but these are either completely unhelpful or starting from a point beyond where I am. The section on plug-ins for version 4 is all but empty; the section for version 3 is not useful for a version 4 user (for example, it suggests looking at the "Plug-in Creator" which doesn't (appear to?) exist in 4.
Can someone point me to an absolute beginner's starting point. I haven't programmed seriously in many years and can't figure out where to start.
FYI, MuseScore 4.4 (currently nightly master) does plugins slightly differently. It uses qt 6.2.4. I’ll look for the link, but some things done in prior versions no longer work.
In reply to FYI, MuseScore 4.4 … by TDYama
In reply to… by TDYama
Most 4x plugins do not work anymore with 4.4, and there is not a 'simple fix' available as there was for using MS3 plugins in MS4.
In reply to Most 4x plugins do not work… by graffesmusic
Any plug-in that used the “qtquick.dialogs” is dead in MS 4.4.
In reply to Any plug-in that used the … by TDYama
But not only that.
Also QtQuick.controls and various other changes prevent most plugins to work.
e.g. for the "title" problem
title: "TITLE_HELLO 4.4"
// note: title="TITLE" doesn't work and causes menu to say "Run plugin ()", but the plugin does run.
// also, make sure the ":" after "title" is connected, as in "title:". "title : " doesn't work.
When 4.4 will be released, we will be in the same situation as when 4.0 was released: most plugins will not work anymore.
In reply to But not only that. Also… by graffesmusic
That some qtquick.controls will not work seems to mean most old plugins will need to be rewritten.
Soon , there will be more advanced plugins that are called extensions. When that happens, plugins likely will not be backward compatible. I don’t know when that will happen, though.
The workaround for “title” is at the bottom of the post. It allows a plug-in to be used by 3.6, 4.2 and 4.4, but requires changing the plugin with conditional logic.
3.6 doesn’t like “title” and causes the plug-in to not work. If no title is given, it’s hard to know which plug-in to run in the plugins menu in 4.4. The solution works but shows how supporting all the versions is not straightforward.
In reply to That some qtquick.controls… by TDYama
So, developers must rewrite old plugins work with 4.4, but soon, those plugins will be useless because of the new extensions?
In reply to So, developers must rewrite… by graffesmusic
Since you're all saying "4.4" I assume you do mean exactly that, but what has that to do with anything right now, since 4.4 will not be released for some months. Or do you mean "4.3" or "4.x" in general?
In reply to Since you're all saying "4.4… by TheHutch
4.4 is available as a nightly “master” build. I currently use one about a week old for daily composition, and download new ones regularly (and report bugs). There is some risk but that’s OK for me. I also tested out 4.4 plugins a while back and worked out some issues. Using ubuntu linux and the appimage method, multiple versions are easy to keep around.
Which OS do you use? The nightly pages are here:
Which OS you use determines how you see the “console.” Running musescore 4.x with a “-d” switch in debug mode will show “console.log” messages. This lets you see stuff that you print out and also error messages. A syntax error message indicates the line number of the error. This is pretty helpful - sometimes. MS 3’s plug-in builder is much better but if you want to use 4.2, we can base info on 4.2.
There are some plugins that show the contents of the data structure and structures that are “linked” to it. You will want to use one.
Once we know which OS you use, we can discuss how to run in debug mode and see console messages. Then, run a plug-in that shows the contents of the data structures “in the console”. Then, discuss how to view the contents of the structures and method to get there. There are multiple methods needed. Just to mention it, getting access to structures is slightly different when in a “selected” range vs. using “measure” access.
In reply to 4.4 is available as a… by TDYama
I'm on Windows 11 at this point. I'd like to move to Unix, but I'd need a second computer, which is not an option at this time. (I thought about setting up a dual-boot, but decided I don't want to take any chances.)
I'm very much at the "Hello world" point, so it will be a long journey. Hopefully past experience with other languages can make the journey shorter. :-)
In reply to So, developers must rewrite… by graffesmusic
I should clarify. I don’t “think” they will be useless but new plugins using advanced features (referred to as “extensions” on GitHub) likely won’t be usable on older musescore versions. Unfortunately no real details are available so I am speculating.
There will “likely” be a drift away from trying to be compatible to just using new capabilities. I’m surprised on the number of current 3.x users. Trying to be compatible in MS 3.x and 4.2 is nice. Making a new 4.4 plugin work in 3.6 seems “mostly” possible since the API hasn’t changed.
When the new “extensions” are added (unknown time frame, unknown capabilities), there is “likely” to be something new that can’t be used in MS 4.2 and 3.6. We will have to wait and see.
It is supposed to be advanced. It is “progress” that we have to work with.
I think it best to have an idea of what your plug-in should do, and then suggestions can be focused around the ways to accomplish it, or which plugins can be used to learn how to do something similar.
The 3.0 API is here:…
The plug-in creator in version 3 (!) is pretty useful. I would suggest loading musescore 3.7 and using the creator in it to get used to plugins. They can’t all be transferred but you will have learned quite a bit.
In reply to The plug-in creator in… by TDYama
Agreed. This would be very useful and skills learned would transfer to MS4. You could learn a lot by viewing the code for MS3's built-in plugins. Take a copy of one that interests you and make some changes.
Refresh your Javascript knowledge if needed.
I’ll edit a plug-in that has a basic structure. You can then type it in a text editor, save it in the plugs in directory, restart musescore to find it, go to manage plugins to add it into musescore, and then run it from the menu.
It will probably take a couple of days to get to it.
In reply to I’ll edit a plug-in that has… by TDYama
Have a look at the MS3 built-in plugins as these already have basic structure. Perhaps one of these would be a suitable starting point for TheHutch.
(Note: There is no need to restart MS3 to find new plugins).
In reply to Have a look at the MS3 built… by yonah_ag
Yes, that true. No restart is needed in MS3. The MS3 plug-in development environment is better than in MS4.
When you said developer’s page, did you mean this?
This section within may be a good start, for an overview of what is possible:
In reply to When you said developer’s… by TDYama
Yes, those two pages were among the pages I looked at ... that didn't seem helpful. Looking at one of the "boilerplate" pages, I see now that I must not have gone far enough down in that second link.
Where can I find info about Plug-Ins for version 4? I no longer have v.3 installed (I think! :-) and I want to write stuff for what I'm actually working on: namely 4.2.1 (at this time!)
In reply to Yes, those two pages were… by TheHutch
“Most” 3.x info is the same but some isn’t. You’ll find out. ;-)
Never use Qt.quit() because this crashes MS 4.x. Some older plug-ins use it and that line must be replaced.
Source code for 3.7 pre-installed plugins can be found here:
You could start with this one:…
and ask questions in this thread for clarifications. Then work your way through them.
It would be nice to have a Dummies Guide to MuseScore plugins but there isn't one that I know of.
In reply to Source code for 3.7 pre… by yonah_ag
I believe I'm the "Dummy". :-) I'll document my journey and try to write something up.
There are some basic plugins that could work across musescore 3.6 to 4.4, but some controls will not.
In any case, here are what “I think” are the controls for musescore 4.4 using qt 6.2.4.
Some are the same name under qt 5.15 and some are not.
The very basic “idea” of a plug-in is to A) load additional capabilities (like import MuseScore 3.0, import QtQuick.Controls 2.2, etc. )
B) set up “global” variables
C) have user interface definitions to build buttons, check boxes, etc.
D) have an optional “on load” section, which can set up things when musescore starts up and initially loads the plug-in into memory and E) “on run”, which is executed when the plug in is run from the menu and F) commands and functions that are linked to structures (like buttons) that run when the button is pressed, that act on and change musescore data structures (by setting values, running built in functions, navigating within the structure, etc.).
There are more capabilities but that is the general idea. Maybe someone can refine the explanation and post their version.
Plug-ins use a limited version of QML. If you see a QML function on a website, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t work. This QML “mostly” uses an object-oriented “variant” data type. Variables are “mostly” of a type based on usage but will sometimes surprise you. Console.log output helps show you what you are looking at. (There are some advance capabilities as well.)
Some data structure are a “fraction” (time signature numerator and denominator for example) and need a method to separate them, a “function” that returns a value (a parameter may be needed to run the function), and arrays and lists (like annotations). Arrays and lists have a “.length”, which will tell how many objects are in them.
Some big structures are staffs. There is a staff index since a score can have multiple staffs. Each staff can have 4 voices. The voice number is set to allow you to work on a particular voice. Inside the staff are measures, etc.
The parent of the staffs is the score. There are variables and functions related to the overall score here. The parent CurScore allows you to navigate through staffs, measures, etc. Then, you can act on them. Navigation can be done multiple - somewhat independent - ways. For instance, go to the next measure, go to a certain “tick” in the score, go to start, go to selection point and access data through the selection, etc.
Looking at the API that I posted earlier gives a better idea of the structures and the related functions.
In reply to The very basic “idea” of a… by TDYama
Re: Variables are “mostly” of a type based on usage but will sometimes surprise you.
Variables in QML have a dynamic data type since QML uses javascript. You can use a variable as an integer in one statement then use it as text in another. If you ever need to know a variable's current datatype you can use typeof. (I have not needed to use this yet in any plugin).…
The parent of staffs is not CurScore; it is curScore - the lowercase "c" is important. Variable names and function names are all case sensitive in javascript; so are Musescore objects and their property names.
In reply to Re: Variables are “mostly”… by yonah_ag
Thanks for the corrections.
There is a post somewhere which tells how to view the console in a Windows system. If you don't have a console view, you don't have error messages and console output. It would seem almost impossible to develop a plugin (without MS 3.x plugin creator) without the console.
In any case, use a text editor and enter the plugin below, and name the file 'test.qml'.
Then, use the standard plugin info. For MS3, you want the "Plugins." prefix to the menuPath, or your plugin name won't be in the plugins folder to run plugins. The plugin runs on MS 3.6, 4.2 and 4.4 versions. (sorry, posting removed all indentation).
Run the executable using the "-d" switch (in MS 4+).
// plugin start...
import MuseScore 3.0
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
MuseScore {
version: "1.0"
id: window
menuPath: "Plugins.MS3MenuName"
description: "My Description-a"
requiresScore: false
pluginType: "dialog"
width: 200
height: 300
visible: true
property int globalVariable: 10
property var globalVar: 5
Component.onCompleted: { // optional for 4.2, but useful to test in all versions
console.log ("plugin loading completed");
if (mscoreMajorVersion >= 4) {
if (mscoreMinorVersion >= 4) {
// VERY STRICT syntax: "title:", with no space between 'title' and ':'
title: "Title for MS4.4+ "
} else {
var tString = "Title for MS4.0 to 4.3x "
} else {
function myFun(a,b) {
return (a+b)
// console log doesn't show in the application, only on the terminal when
// using -d option.
console.log ("We're running");
globalVar = globalVar + "A";
globalVariable += 3;
myFun (1,3); // Oh, didn't look at return value
console.log ("myFun test #1: " + myFun(11,43));
console.log ("myFun test #2: " + myFun("AB","CD"));
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
console.log ("var i is: " + i);
Column {
Text {
id: refText;
font.pixelSize: 14
text: "hello world!";
Button {
id: button4Text;
text: 'Add text'
visible: true
onClicked: {
refText.text = "goodbye!"
Button {
id: button4Number;
text: 'Show number +1'
visible: true
onClicked: {
globalVariable += 1;
refText.text = globalVariable;
Button {
id: button4TShowHide;
text: 'Hide/Show buttons'
visible: true
onClicked: {
button4Text.visible = !button4Text.visible;
button4Number.visible = !button4Number.visible;
Button {
text: 'close';
visible: true;
onClicked: {
(typeof(quit)==='undefined' ? Qt.quit(): quit());
} // end MuseScore
In reply to There is a post somewhere… by TDYama
I have several simple ideas to implement. I doubt any of them would be of any actual use to anyone. They're more to get me used to creating these plug-ins.
TDYama: I have several questions about your post above:
view the console in a Windows system
I'm under the impression that there are (or, at least, can be) several different things that could be referred to as "console". Even if there's only one, I don't know where to find it. What/which are you referring to?
name the file 'test.qml'
... and save it where?
standard plugin info
No idea what this means?
you want the "Plugins." prefix to the menuPath
Nor any idea what this means?
Run the executable using the "-d" switch
Which executable? And exactly what is this switch supposed to do with that executable?
In addition, it looks like (???) the code you gave me has unmatched curly braces? I'm inspecting that closer; I could easily have missed something.
If I'm reading this code correctly,...
* It initializes globalVar to "A" and globalVariable to 3.
* It writes several messages to console.log. This is presumably the "console" that you talked about and that I asked about. Again, what/which console?
* It counts from 1 to 4 in the console.
* It creates a dialog (???) with a title of "hello world" and four (?) buttons.
* * The first button is labeled "Add text" and, when clicked shows "Goodbye" somewhere
* * The second button is lebeled "Show number +1". It adds one to globalVariable ... and display it?
* * The third button is labeled "Hide/Show buttons" and toggles ... all (???) the buttons between visible and not. How does it toggle it back to visible from not? Usually you can't click on an invisible button???
* * The fourth button is labeled "close" and it looks like it's supposed to exit the dialog, but it has the "qt.quit()" command in it that you said above makes MuS 4 crash.
In reply to view the console in a… by TheHutch
The console issue is the most important. It is like running on the MSDOS command line. If you run cmd in windows, you get a C prompt. If you type the full path of the musesscore program, you maybe can run the musescore program although maybe you’d have to know it’s full path. Right clicking the desktop icon could get you to the place that shows the full path. If the program was called MuseScore-4.2.1-12345, you would type the full name and put a -d (space then -d) at the end and run the program. Hopefully you can alt-tab between the windows command line, which hopefully shows a lot of messages and the gui interface of musescore.
I have to run, but the curly brace is there. It does look funny on the post. Copy and paste into a text file. That should clean it up or I can add an attachment tonight.
It goes into the directory found in your preferences - folders directory. Maybe edit/preferences/folders.
MS 3 is easier. MS 3.7 is better if you have a GitHub account and can download it from Jojo’s site.
MS 3.7 has the creator and console built in.
Your thinking on what the program does is generally correct. Once you see it work, you will understand it.
Please work on the dos command line issue or try MS 3.7. You need a console view or you’ll never know where to find syntax errors in the plugin, or see helpful console messages.
In reply to The console issue is the… by TDYama
I tried someone else’s computer. No console messages from the windows command line. I’ll look for the post on command line use.
In reply to The console issue is the… by TDYama
Ahh, simply the MuseScore executable. What is the "-d" flag supposed to do? ... and it hits him: oh, of course: "debug".
It wasn't a case of a missing curly brace, but additional ones. I did put the code into a text editor and tried to re-add the appropriate indentation, but it still looks like there are either one or two extra, unmatched curly braces (right brace or "close brace", however you call them) at the end. I assume I'm missing something somewhere.
Yes, please, if you can find that other thread about this, I would really appreciate it!!!
In reply to Ahh, simply the MuseScore… by TheHutch
Actually it seems that windows versions don’t have debug info.
Using MS 3.7 is a good place to start. Otherwise, you will never see syntax error messages. In Linux, you can see debug messages in 4.x.
In reply to Actually it seems that… by TDYama
Here is a .zip of the qml.
In reply to Here is a .zip of the qml. by TDYama
And the indentation makes it obvious where I miscounted the braces. Thanks!!
Now to see if I can figure this out!!!
Oh, a (very minor!!!) question: Is any "white space" available for indentation? Specifically, can I use tab as well as space?
In reply to And the indentation makes it… by TheHutch
In reply to yes by Jojo-Schmitz
Yet, in one reads and wonders why:
• 4 spaces are used for indentation
• Spaces, not tabs!
In reply to Yet, in… by elsewhere
That's a coding convention, not law. C, C++ , QML doesn't give a hoot, it takes all white space and in any quantity
In reply to Ahh, simply the MuseScore… by TheHutch
For visual studio code there are add-ins available that do systax highlighting for QML and javascript. Did save many hours for me.
In reply to To start developing plugins,… by benisfroms
Other than the manual, I have seen no documentation on plug-ins for version 4. The only "development community" that exists for plug-ins for version 4 is right here. (At least, as far as I've been able to find.) According to several posts in this very thread, "suitable IDEs and SDKs" are not required. I've been told (at least I think I have :-) that a simple text editor will do the job. I have not found any existing plugins that do what I want (even though I asked about it explicitly in another post), so I don't have a place to start.
Basically your post is not actually helpful. Everything you said is only bland, generic, obvious nothings. How about providing a link to "the documentation for version 4", incomplete as it might be? Or links to the "development communities" that you have found helpful. Or suggest specific "suitable IDEs and SDKs". Or anything actually helpful.
In reply to Other than the manual, I… by TheHutch
In reply to Looks like a ChatGPT answer… by yonah_ag
Clearly a spammer
In reply to Clearly a spammer by Jojo-Schmitz
And has now been removed, so my complaint is left orphaned *LOL*
In reply to Other than the manual, I… by TheHutch
I just use Visual Studio Code (for Windows) with a QML extension which checks the syntax. Then there's just examining existing QML plugins. Nobody (AFAIK) has written a definitive guide to plug in development for v4, we need to investigate ourselves. If you're moderately competent in coding you should be able to work it out.
It would also be constructive to document your learnings as you look into plug-in development, perhaps start a wiki.
(Edited per TheHutch message below)
In reply to I just use Visual Studio… by Lofo
Without a documented plugin api, being "competent in coding" is not really enough.
In reply to I just use Visual Studio… by Lofo
Lofo: the comment that a post was "not very helpful" was addressed to a specific post, now deleted. It was, in fact, extremely not helpful.
What is "Visual Studio Code (for Windows)"? I'm guessing it's an IDE? Where does one obtain it? How much does it cost?
I agree that documenting my learning as I go would be constructive. In fact, I said so almost six months ago. (Helps to read the whole thread. :-)
In reply to Lofo: the comment that a… by TheHutch
Visual Studio Code is a free source code editor from Microsoft.
In reply to Visual Studio Code is a free… by yonah_ag
Ahh, thank you.
But (if I've understood earlier comments correctly), it's not necessary, merely useful.
And it does or does not have any info specifically about the MuseScore API? Can or cannot read info from MuseScore about the contents of the API?
In reply to Ahh, thank you. But (if I've… by TheHutch
It doesn't know anything about MuseScore at all, including nothing about the plugin API.
It may be useful. Notepad++ is an alternative. In MS3 I use the built-in editor.
In reply to Ahh, thank you. But (if I've… by TheHutch
Yes, it's just useful, not necessary. It's a free IDE from Microsoft with some great features for development in all sorts of languages eg. Python integration is impressive. Initially, you'd be using the QML Syntax checker extension which just makes sure your code is well-formed (it doesn't know anything about MuseScore). You could use Notepad of course, but using something like Visual Studio Code makes your job considerably easier (and more pleasant!). You've also got Qt - its IDEs are pretty good too.
Re the MuseScore API - no, VS Code doesn't know anything about it....but.... It would be possible (though not a simple task) to create an extension that integrated the MuseScore API for plug-in development - that would be interesting but a pretty advanced project. That's got me thinking!
In reply to Ahh, thank you. But (if I've… by TheHutch
Notepad++ is also free and has fully customisable syntax colour coding, like this:
It has full regex support and is a very capable text editor.
Just joining the discussion, 12/27/24. I seem to be on MuseScore Studio 4.4.4.nnnnnnn.
I had been using Lilypond but it says c++ missing. So I'm switching to MuseScore which seems to have most of what I use, except note coloring. I've tried the Boomwacker and black-keys-red color plugins which work but I want a plug-in to color flats blue and sharps red. I've been a professional programmer but that was a dozen years ago and I have no clue about QML or qt but presume I could learn. I DO know what Visual Studio is. I basically have the same question as The Hutch: Where do I start? Or am I trying to jump onto a moving train?
I guess what I really need is the API to access the internal score representation so I can see what notes have accidentals, see the local key signature, and change the color codes.
In reply to Just joining the discussion,… by DrTechDaddy
Definitely "trying to jump onto a moving train" ... and it has got up a full head of steam. :-)
In reply to Just joining the discussion,… by DrTechDaddy
You could revert to MuseScore 3.7 which has a well-documented and stable plugin api.
In reply to Just joining the discussion,… by DrTechDaddy
You are right - the API for Musescore 4 ist not documented , but from my experience there are not many changes to V3 which can be found in serveral forum posts. What worked for me (also IT professional with no experience with QML) was to take a similar plugin and look at the source, modify where I need different behavior. Musescore 3 has better debugging features with logging to the Musescore editor window. So it test in V3 first and go to V4 when it works. The color notes plugin might be a good starting point for your task.
In reply to Just joining the discussion,… by DrTechDaddy
I did a little research on a grey winter sunday.
Disclaimer - i am not a plugin expert - if someone find any mistakes please feel free to add or correct.
Look at the plugin i mentioned
(or any other that walks through all staves and all notes of a score)
For every staff it advances the cursor from tick to tick. The cursor has a property keySignature
which starts at 0 for C and goes upwards through the circle of fith for positive number (i.e. 4 = E major) and downwards for negative numbers. At every tick you find an element which might be a CHORD constisting of one or more notes. Every note hat an attribute tpc (tonal pitch class) which represents the note ( e.g. A, E#, Bb,) including double sharps and flats and covering enharmonics - A# and Bb are different values.…
I think with this data you can do your logic and color your notes by assigning the hex value (e.g #ff0000 for red) to the color property of the note.
All this information is available in the V3 plugin api documentation.…
which is probably also valid for V4 for more then 95%
Try to take it from there
In reply to I did a little research on a… by M.Thum
Thanks. I think tpc is what I need, assuming it includes implicit accidentals from the key signature as well as explicit ones.
I've encountered another problem though. The effects of my plug-in are not immediately (or ever?) obvious on the screen. In seems I need to scroll through the score for the changes to take effect. The other day I was getting red notes on the screen (possibly left over from a previous plugin run?) even though my plugin specified blue. But when I printed the score, the notes were blue. I'm using 4.4.4 on windows 11 with my files on OneDrive.
I'm suspecting a cache problem of some sort. I wouldn't mind keeping my scores in the MuseScore cloud but they are typically just my reformatting of copyrighted songs, so I'm not sure if that's legal.
Any ideas when 4.4.4 will get the plug-in developer? I wouldn't mind helping out but I suspect I would need a learning curve to be useful.
In reply to Thanks. I think tpc is… by DrTechDaddy
In MS3 plugins you need to wrap your changes with start and end like this:
:... score changes ...
otherwise the changes don't show up immediately, so maybe MS4 is the same.
In reply to In MS3 plugins you need to… by yonah_ag
It is the same in Mu4, there it is even mandatory for any changes
In reply to In MS3 plugins you need to… by yonah_ag
Thanks, I'll try it after holidays when I have access to my computer again.
Also somebody suggested going back to 3.7, which may be all I need.
In reply to Thanks. I think tpc is… by DrTechDaddy
You can store and share arrangements of copyrighted material on but if MuseScore does not have a licensing agreement in place with the copyright holder then you might be notified that your score has been set as private. You should NOT change it to public unless MS notify you of a new licensing arrangement. This happened with Disney scores a few years back.
This is the sort of notice that you could receive:
In reply to You can store and share… by yonah_ag
Hi guys.
I'm an old (36 years) embedded programmer coming from linux environment. As I mostly use c/c++ and python as my everyday job i wanted to write my plugins in python. So what I did to get started learning qmljs is I took approach to use websockets and write some kind of a server in qmljs and client in python. For now i have basic functionalities and try to keep the qmljs to a minimum so I use js eval as my main execution point.
For now I am happy where i have come (i read/write metadata and change time signature, ...). As i have an interactive shell i can test my code on the fly which is very cool for debugging.
What i didn't find on the web is how to change the title. I tried to use setMetaTag("workTitle", "MYTITLE"); which only changes the metaTag and curScore.addText("title", "MYTITLE"); which adds a new text over the old one. I have also read that i should iterate over element on cursor and replace the text inside it but there was no text there. Where is that "addBox" element added to and where can i find it?
In reply to Hi guys. I'm an old (36… by Stjepan Horvat
I'm not so sure that the plugin API gives you access to update the title on the score. Maybe you can delete it then add a new one.
There is a good selection of boiler plates and snippets here:
(36 years of age = spring chicken vs. 36 of experience = seasoned programmer)
In reply to I'm not so sure that the… by yonah_ag
In the 3.x plugin API the score properties (title, composer, lyricist, ...) are documented as "read-only"…
In reply to I'm not so sure that the… by yonah_ag
36 years of age, 10 years programmer as everyday job.
Thanks for the link, this is GOLD. i will try the "get to the title, composer etc frame at start of page" part.