Hiding a part and keeping the part playing.
I used to be able to hide a part and still hear it playing.
This is very useful when you want to focus on learning a part in context with the other parts in a piece.
I've been unable to work out how to do this in MuseScore 4.x.
My question is - given that playback can already be controlled by the mixer -
how can MuseScore 4.x be configured to keep playing a part whether it is visible or not.
@keithcsmuhutc > I used to be able to hide a part and still hear it playing.
I think you've encountered the fact that many aspects of the MS4's Instrument panel are both ill conceived and poorly executed, for instance:
• I'd like to see show/hide fully decoupled from the Mixer's mute status... or at least allow the user to decouple it.
• The average user would likely assume that double-clicking the Name would open it for editing. But double-clicking the Name duplicates the function of the disclosure triangle ... so then we need the gear, which only affords the option to edit the Name and Abbreviated Name.
There's plenty of discussion in these threads:
Now, to your present need ...
Yes, in MS3's mixer you could uncheck Play Part Only. (When checked it essentially soloed the Part.)
It's not nearly that simple in MS4. Though you may get relief by toggling open the Instrument. Once "inside" the Instrument toggling visibility of a Staff does not automatically mute the track in the Mixer.
Alternately, when you have a part open, click a single note as your starting point, and in the Mixer unmute the tracks you want to hear.
Note that making a range selection* automatically mutes all other tracks. But after play has begun, if you find you're not hearing what you want, you can click in the white space to deSolo the Part. Weird, huh? And I don't know if all this is documented.
I'm unclear about the various ways that Mixer tracks get muted without me explicating click the M button; I'm just glad that we can now override the auto-mute behavior in the Mixer.
The Handbook's errors and omissions regarding Range Selection:
• The simplest way to make a range selection is to click in the "white space" in a measure.
• the Handbook fails to describe the appearance of a range selection. MuseScore depicts a range selection by a blue rectangle that surrounds the selected notes.
• the Handbook strongly implies that a range selection must extend "across a given set of staves" but actually MuseScore happily makes range selections = on a single stave.
I'd edit the entry but currently the Handbook is locked pending the new format.
In reply to @keithcsmuhutc > I used to… by scorster
Many thanks @scorster.
I used to be able to use the inner part of the instrument but that now fails for me.
However based on
• I'd like to see show/hide decoupled from play/mute ... or at least allow the user to decouple.
I opened the mixer and watched what happened when I hid a part.
The track on the mixer became muted!
Unmuting the track from the mixer resolved the issue!
In reply to Many thanks scorster. I… by keithcsmuhutc
keithcsmuhutc wrote > I used to be able to use the inner part of the instrument [to toggle visibility without causing the track to mute in the Mixer] but that now fails for me.
Muting the inner staves works fine for me in MS4.4.4 ... uh, well, it did this morning.
However yesterday I recall the "unmuted invisible staff" functionality frustratingly absent.
Let us know if you can supply steps to replicate ... and please mention the version of MuseScore Studio.
In reply to keithcsmuhutc wrote > I… by scorster
As you say, the only way a part won't be heard is if it is muted in the mixer. let's say I have a string quartet score open. I want to see only the 2nd violin part but hear all the others. Open the Instruments palette. Next to the 1st violin eyeball select the down arrow. Move down to the new entry and click. This turns the entry blue. Now move left to the eyeball and click. This makes the part invisible, but you will still hear it. Repeat for other parts.
I can't tell you if it is better or worse than MU3. I don't use the process. But the above is how to set it up in MU4.
I also don't know if this is in the manual. I'll take a look.
In reply to As you say, the only way a… by bobjp
This does not work for me for some reason. I'll try to get it working now that I know it works for others.
In reply to This does not work for me… by keithcsmuhutc
I was mistaken. Hiding the inner instrument does work.
In reply to I was mistaken. Hiding the… by keithcsmuhutc
Yes. The trick is, after you click the down arrow, make sure to click in the new area that appears, then you close the eye.
No, this is not in the manual that I can find.