• Jan 15, 2025 - 04:38



Meanwhile if someone is re-directed from Musescore.com to Musescore.org if they have a problem, people will tell them "Don't waste me time, kid" or "Get out of here and stay out!" or "Can't you read? Are you daft?" or "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" and things like that.

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2


I've been reading the forums daily for about 5 years. I've never seen any comment even VAGUELY like these. Telling someone "You need to be on musescore.com for this particular problem" is, by no stretch of the imagination, "Don't waste my time, kid" or "Get out of here and stay out!" or "Can't you read? Are you daft?" or "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" or anything like that.

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