Musescore randomly making notes bartok pizzicato, string slaps, or normal pizzicato

• Jan 18, 2025 - 21:49

I am using Musescore Studio 4.4.4 as I type this. Problem is fairly self-explanatory but why it is happening is anything but. I have tried:
- Closing Musescore & reopening
- Restarting my computer
- Changing soundfont of strings
- Reinstalling Musesounds
- Reinstalling spitfire strings
- Uninstalling and reinstalling Musescore itself
- Creating a new score and writing the same music there
Attached is a score affected. Unfortunately it will not let me attach the recording of what playback sounds like. Musescore is currently completely unusable for anything I intend to use it for.
(attached score only includes cellos but the effect persists for all strings)

Attachment Size
From Thin Air.mscz 41.53 KB


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