Pasting measures that contain a clef change on top of an existing clef change causes crash.

• Jan 19, 2025 - 10:13

In the image attached below, I have selected a bar that has a clef change and wanted to paste it into the stave above it which also has a clef change. When I pasted it in, Musescore froze for a few seconds then closed, without pasting in the bar. I have checked this by pasting the measures either side of the selected bar in the image onto the stave above and a bar to the left. It pasted as normal. This leaves me to conclude that pasting bars that contain a clef change onto another bar that contains a clef change in the same spot where an existing one is when pasted causes a crash. This works with any combination of clef changes as well.

Attachment Size
2025-01-19.png 43.57 KB


I can't reproduce from scratch (version 4.4.4 / Win10) . See GIF below.
So we must deduce that there's something specific in your score that's triggering the crash. Please attach this score for further investigation.

Video CLEF.gif

In reply to by cadiz1

I replicated it on an empty score, like the GIF you sent and it works perfectly fine. I also tried it on a copy of the score I first encountered it on and it crashed. I tired it on a larger score and it crashed. I have attached a small section of the original file (it still crashes). So I thing its either something that occurs when musescore files pass a certain file size (the original is 429KB and attached file is 219KB) or its my computer can't handle it and then closes musescore (I monitored the CPU and RAM usage while crashing it and nothing changed).

Attachment Size
Bug Testing.mscz 219.25 KB

In reply to by chris334

Crashed for me, too. So it will take some more digging to find out what is happening. In the meantime, here is what I did. Measure 14 in the viola part. I deleted the treble clef in the top part. When I copied the measure from the second viola into the measure above, there was no crash.

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