rewrite song: create upbeat of 2 quarter notes from a song in 4/4 time

• Jan 19, 2025 - 16:59

In one song, instead of an upbeat of 2 quarter notes, I started writing in 4/4 time and now the whole song is shifted by the stress in the 3rd syllable instead of the 1st syllable.
How can I change this without having to rewrite everything?

in German:
Ich habe in einem Lied statt einen Auftakt von 2 Viertelnoten, gleich angefangen im 4/4 Takt zu schreiben und jetzt ist das ganze Lied durch die Betonung in der 3. Silbe statt in der 1. Silbe verschoben.
Wie kann ich das ändern ohne alles neu schreiben zu müssen?


Select everything (Ctrl+A), cut it (Ctrl+X) and paste 2 beats later (Ctrl+V), then delete the leading rest(s) (Ctrl+Del).
Optionally exclude the measure from being counted (Roght-click into the measure, measure properties)

In reply to by chloris2020

No, you definitely do not have to change the first measure to 2/4 time. Simply enter a half-note rest at the beginning and paste the notes onto the second half-note rest.

Once you've got the notes correct, you can delete the first half-note rest as Jojo described or adjust the measure length with Measure Properties... (may be Bar Properties... depending on which language you have set).

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