I used Audiveris (I downloaded the free software to my computer) to read in the attached PDF. It read in great. I only had to add minor things like the bellow shakes, chord labels and the jump. I went to playback and heard that it was not making the jump as I had written. There seems to be an assumed "To coda" in measure 65 which I cannot seem to figure out. I inserted a new measure 65 before it and typed in the notes then deleted the old measure 65, but that did not work. There also seems to be an assigned "p" for measure 146 since the volume decreases when jumped to, from measure 65.
Also, I noticed that in the PDF the chord labels are sometimes over the bass notes and sometimes over the chords. I had not seen this before. At first, I thought it might be when the bass note was the same as the chord which would be nice. But that did not hold up. So, I was wondering if there is a reason for this or that it is just a positioning problem.
Attachment | Size |
Fiddle Faddle2.pdf | 186.38 KB |
Fiddle Faddle2_1.mscz | 37.81 KB |
I know nothing of notation for the accordion, so I can't comment on your question about the chord symbols, except to say that I don't see the chords anywhere except on the bass line throughout both .PDF and .MSCZ. *shrug*
I don't know what was causing the odd jump, but I was able to repair them (there were actually two of them). At measure 65, I had thought perhaps it was the double barline, but when I repaired that one, the second was at measure 138, which has no double barline. Once again, *shrug*
To repair it, I simply found where the problem was happening, adding 4 empty bars two bars before and then copied the music into the empty bars before deleting the original four bars. I suspect that one bar would probably have been enough but I did two bars before and two bars after to be safe.
In reply to I know nothing of notation… by TheHutch
Thank you so much for your help. I downloaded Fiddle Faddle2_1-repaired.mscz, but it would not load. I received an error message (see attached load error.jpg). When I clicked on Ignore, a blank page opened up. I am using version 3 since it has some features version 4 does not have (open many different files in tabs instead of new windows and VIEW Documents side by side). I also have version 4 and tried to open it there, but that also did not work?????. This has happened to me before, infrequently, when I tried to download some Musescore .mscz song files. So, I go back and download the .xml file, and that has always worked so far.
So. I took the Musescore file I sent you (Fiddle Faddle2_1.mscz) and was going to repeat what you said you did. I started by inserting a measure in front of measure 66 and I noticed a strange line with a 1 appeared before what now became measure 67 (see attached strange.jpg). I deleted it and then decided to delete the blank measure I just added and see if that worked. It did!!!!!!!! I then did the same at measure 39 and the same thing happened. I have no idea where that strange line with a 1 came from, but apparently it is some sort of jump. So now the jump, as written, was working.
I then tried to find out why, at the Coda at measure 147, the volume decreased. I inserted an "f" there and that worked. So, first I deleted it to see if that fixed it, and it did not. Then I placed the "f" there again, "selected" "all similar" and deleted. That worked. So. Audiveris must have placed a hidden "p" there. So, total success (see attached Fiddle Faddle2_2.mscz)!!!
Thank you so much for your time and help. I appreciate it,
In reply to Thank you so much for your… by nlsavin
measure 39 was a typo and should be measure 139 - sorry
In reply to measure 39 was a typo and… by nlsavin
The strange line is a volta with no horizontal line. If you move it a bit you can see the handles for it and restore them.
Nevertheless, a first volta with no repeat barline makes no sense here ...
In reply to Thank you so much for your… by nlsavin
HildeK has identified the problem that likely caused the incorrect jump in the first place. I'm'a guess that you inadvertently added a invalid volta (no repeat list) at the two places that jump and set it to have 0 width. Go two measures before the problem and add four blank measures. Copy the notes from the existing (problem!) measures to the new ones. Delete the four problem measures.
If you have version 3 of MuseScore, you will NOT be able to open the score I attached. I created it with version 4.
Don't know about the dynamics. I didn't notice any particular issue with them. Almost certainly because I was paying attention to the incorrect jumps and not to dynamics.
Good to know that you got it working right!!! *and the crowd goes wild*
In reply to Thank you so much for your… by nlsavin
> Audiveris must have placed a hidden "p" there.
There is a p a few measures after the "To Coda" measure and this is the reason for the lower volume in the final part. Not hidden!
Before the “To Coda” the dynamics are at the default value, a few measures later the p takes effect and this then applies to all notes until the end. This is why the jump to the coda is suddenly played back more quietly.
In reply to > Audiveris must have placed… by HildeK
Thanks. That explains the p but not Audeveris's insertion of non-existing voltas. I downloaded Audeveris 7 years ago and have used it to convert over 1000 PDFs to mxl files. I have not seen this happen before. I am wondering if there is something unique about this particular PDF. Oh well, I will chalk this up to an anomaly and move on.
Thanks for all the help you and The Hutch provided,