Note sustaining Without sustain pedal
Dear Musecore Community, A Note is sustaining when it is a 512th note without a sustain symbol. Please fix if possible. Kind Regards, Mr.Beethoven.
Attachment | Size |
Report 2.mscz | 22.51 KB |
Dear Musecore Community, A Note is sustaining when it is a 512th note without a sustain symbol. Please fix if possible. Kind Regards, Mr.Beethoven.
Attachment | Size |
Report 2.mscz | 22.51 KB |
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Sorry, I don't hear any notes sustaining.
In reply to Sorry, I don't hear any… by TheHutch
Weird, it keeps sustaining for me.
In reply to Weird, it keeps sustaining… by Mr.Beethoven
I hear it. I put a measure in front of it and it doesn't sustain. At least on my system.