Converting 4 parts to closed score choral music
I usually do this with Implode. However, the note stems are often the wrong way, with choral music in closed score it's usual for the top part to be all stems up and the bottom part to be all stems down.
Is there an easy way to do this?
See How to merge/combine/implode two staves into one with two voices
In reply to See How to merge/combine… by Jojo-Schmitz
This doesn't solve the stem direction issue.. does it? By default Musescore puts the stem up for higher pitch and down for lower pitch notes.
In reply to This doesn't solve the stem… by tjfs
No, it puts voice 1 and 3 up, voice 2 and 4 down, pitch doesn't matter there.
Only when there is just voice 1 (no other voice, neiher notes nor rests), then the pitch (rather the position in the staff, above or below center line) decides whether the stem is up or down
In reply to This doesn't solve the stem… by tjfs
See attached. This is what I get when I Implode two parts into one. I have to manually flip the stems. The upper notes are Voice 1, the lower notes are Voice 2, but it seems to have chosen unhelpful stem directions.
In reply to See attached. This is what I… by tjfs
The documentation suggests it puts voice 1 up and voice 2 down as you say but for some reason it isn't.
Musescore 4.4.4
In reply to See attached. This is what I… by tjfs
From that image I can't tell voices apart.
Nor whether their stem direction is set to up, down or automatic
In short: score needed
In reply to From that image I can't tell… by Jojo-Schmitz
See attached
In reply to See attached by tjfs
That's what I get when I implode. I could force all the stems down or up using Properties.
In reply to That's what I get when I… by tjfs
I did that and it seemed to work. Not sure why Implode doesn't do that by default.
In reply to I did that and it seemed to… by tjfs
Most probably because they were set that way before implode already, should have been Auto rather than Down
Garbage in, garbage out...
In reply to See attached by tjfs
Voice 1 notes are explicitly set to Down. Should be Auto
In reply to Voice 1 notes are explicitly… by Jojo-Schmitz
I've fixed it now but not sure why Implode does this. Thanks for your help.
In reply to I've fixed it now but not… by tjfs
Try Ctrl+A, Ctrl+R before the implode.
If that doesn't help, do it after, and report a bug on GitHub ;-)
In reply to I've fixed it now but not… by tjfs
I tried it with a new score and it worked as expected. I got the open score music from xml, the problem probably happened there. Thanks again.
In reply to I tried it with a new score… by tjfs
That would have been my guess indeed, as far as the source of this evil is concerned: an unneccessary verbose MusicXML