Wrongly sustained long tones

• Jan 23, 2025 - 23:27

I have a score (full concert band instrumentation) and there are sections where I head a low note/chord just droning on for measures and measures past where the actual note ends. It’s nothing with my notation (I don’t think), everything looks right, but the playback just gets messed up bc of this. Any feedback would be helpful. https://musescore.com/user/57656708/scores/21464383?share=copy_link
There’s the link for the score


In reply to by ghshupe

OK. A very quick look has reveled a few things.
Basic sounds in 4.4 have a problem with the combination of staccato notes and hairpins. Select the last measure of (for example) the Flute 2 part and hit play. You will hear the G5 be held over. Now in that measure select the hairpin under that note. Select the left gray box and drag it slightly to the right until the anchor point moves one click to the right. Now play the measure. It should sound correct.
Something similar is probably the case with the other places you hear notes held out. Also, sometimes a hairpin whose anchor points overlap a dynamic mark can cause the same thing. Hiarpin should be placed on notes in between dynamics,
I notice several places where hairpins do not have a dynamic at the end. In some cases the hairpin will not work without a dynamic at the end.
I don't know if there is a batch way to fix the hairpins.

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