Add double bar line in the middle of a measure
I am typing a hymn. I want a double bar line in the middle of a measure before the Chorus starts.
I looked online. The directions said to select a rest and drag the barlines to it. I put a quarter rest in the Gclef and in the bass clef and highlighted the rest. Then I tried to drag the double barline onto that rest. A slash appeared across the bar line. It will not let me insert that bar line. How can I add the double barline?
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Select the rest double click the barline.
Upgrade, if possible to MU4
In reply to Select the rest double click… by Shoichi
When I upgraded from Musescore 2 to Musescore 3, I could not print my old files. They were not interchangeable. I cannot keep upgrading and then have to retype all those notes from music that I arrange for my choirs and handbells and orchestra.
In reply to When I upgraded from… by phenduck
MuseScore 3 for sure could open (and print) MuseScore 2 files
As can MuseScore 4. Every major version can read previous versions' scores
But indeed some layout work might be needed after the 'import'
First split the measure then add the double barline (no need to upgrade).
In reply to First split the measure then… by Mr Fox
When I clicked on how to split a measure, it sounded like I was adding an extra measure. I am not sure how that will help when I have just one beat in the beginning of the chorus.
In reply to When I clicked on how to… by phenduck
Yes, it's one measure more, but both have a shorter duration, in your case the first one has two beats and the second one has one beat. But it sounds identical.
If you don't want your measure numbers to count as two measures, just exclude the second half of the measure from the measure count.
Alternatively, there are double bar lines in the master palette under 'Symbols'. However, these cannot be placed continuously over two staves.
[Edit: added example]
In reply to First split the measure then… by Mr Fox
I don't know if it's important for you, but if you split a bar/ measure, you get two "abbreviated" bars/measures which are counted as two measures in MS even of it's just one.
That should work though. Better though just select the note or rest, then clisk the barline
You wrote:
I put a quarter rest in the Gclef and in the bass clef and highlighted the rest. Then I tried to drag the double barline onto that rest.
Don't drag.
Click on the quarter rest in the G clef, then click on the double barline in the palette.
Click on the quarter rest in the bass clef, then click on the double barline in the palette.
No need to split the measure.
You can drag the 'handle' of the G clef barline to connect with the bass clef barline:
In reply to You wrote: I put a quarter… by Jm6stringer
how to insert double bar line?
In reply to how to insert double bar… by gnotfound24
In reply to You wrote: I put a quarter… by Jm6stringer
How did you add that double barline?
In reply to How did you add that double… by gnotfound24
Select the measure that should end with a double bar line and click on “Palettes / Barlines / Double barline”. You can also select the single barline itself and do the same.