Why aren't multi-measure rests created for measures with "Repeat Last Measure" symbol?

• Jan 28, 2025 - 19:04

In my Flute part, measures 2-8 have only rests. I would like those 7 measures to appear as one multi-measure, but Musescore gives me one 4-measure multi-measure followed by 3 individual measures. Why? What am I doing wrong?
- Break multi-measure is not checked on any of them
- There's no text or barlines to break them up
- But in the score, measures 6-8 use the "Repeat Last Measure" symbol.

Please see a PDF with score and flute part, as well as the Musescore file.
I'm using Musescore 4.4.4 on a Mac Mini M1, 2020 with Sequoia 15.1.1, 8GB memory


Works here (after an XML export) even with "Repeat Last Measure" symbols. A hint: your score was created in 2022, and these symbols were not yet functional at that time, from memory. It's possible that your score has "remembered" this, and that an "update" via an XML export has tidied up the file. It's really just a hypothesis, that's what I can think of, but maybe there's something else.
In any case, see now: 2Musescore 4 multi-measure problem.mscz

In reply to by cadiz1

Hi, Cadiz1 - thanks! I like your theory about my score "remembering" things, especially given the number of edits I've done over the years. I tried an "update" via an XML export, and initially it worked - it gave me the 7 bar multi-measure I wanted. Then, after reading Henk's reply, out of curiosity, I looked at the instrument panel, saw that the Violin and Piano were silent, turned piano on, and got the 4 bar multi-measure with 3 single bars following. I followed his advice and made a new Flute part. This is an old file with many many edits, so I think you're right about conversions and remembering.

Seems the Flute part in the score believes the part includes Piano as well. When I use the Reset Part option, it shows the piano as well in the Flute part. Might be indeed some conversion from previous version "import" in which it was common to have hidden instruments included in parts for playback purpose.
Using the Parts dialog to create a new Flute part is also fixing this.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

Hi, Henk, thank you! Creating a new Flute part solved the problem - I now have the multi-measure rest that I wanted. After I read your reply, I tried Reset Part on the old Flute part and I now see the Piano there, but don't remember why, when or how I added it. There are so many things that I've tinkered with in the successive generations of this 3-year old file!

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