Corrupted file help

• Feb 1, 2025 - 01:28


I've been working on a chanson in MS 4 for several months now. However, yesterday morning, when I tried to open it, MS 4 warned me that it was corrupted. I tried to force it to load, but it just never loaded anything. I also tried that backup file in the hidden folder & that was also corrupted. So now I don't know what to do. I transcribed it from the original manuscript (Escorial IV.a.24), and I don't want to go through the whole process again. Can someone please help me?

Attachment Size
A Florence la joyeuse citie.mscz 106.12 KB


So sorry, buddy... the file is full of zeros, there is nothing that can be recovered. :(
Would you please attach your diagnostic files? Go to menu Diagnostics -> Save diagnostic files.

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