MuseScore 4.4.4 crashes when attempting to play a certain note with downprall line

• Feb 5, 2025 - 03:27

Replicate by writing eighth or quarter notes as the first or second notes in the first measure of a song, then, applying a downprall line to the first or second note. The program will crash immediately when trying to play any measure, including ones other than the first.
I tried this with only eighth notes on acoustic guitar and quarter notes on grand piano. The program crashes if played with a downprall line over the first or second eighth note, but only the first quarter note, and not the second quarter note.
I have installed the free sound extensions for keyboard and guitar. This is using the default sounds with them installed. I got this much detail, but did not inquire further.


Sample score with the problem demonstrated attached. Incidentally, the score also crashes when I attempt to load a score with the problem line, so good luck getting into it. However, you can try it yourself by adding it to an existing score as described. Downprall line is in the default "Lines" palette between trill line and prallprall line.
I have also discovered that the problem does not exist with the upprall line.

Attachment Size
Untitled score.mscz 19.1 KB

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