Music Sheet Selling
I made an arrangement of Pirates of the Caribbean and was wondering how I could sell it. Does MuseScore support music sheet sales?
I made an arrangement of Pirates of the Caribbean and was wondering how I could sell it. Does MuseScore support music sheet sales?
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No. Not here on at all, but also not over on the sheet music sharing site
And certainly not for copyrighted music (like Pirates of the Caribbean), as selling that would be stricly illegal
In reply to No by Jojo-Schmitz
Even an arrangement?
In reply to Even an arrangement? https:/… by eschan145
If you have no explicit written consent from the copyright holder of the original, then yes, selling an arrangement is illegal as well.
You always need approval from the original copyright holder to be able to (re-)distribute the work and/or it's derivatives.
In reply to Even an arrangement? https:/… by eschan145
As noted, you need permission, and in any case doesn't handle sales of any kind. There are sites that do, though, and some of them can handle the legal / licensing stuff for you in terms, paying both the copyrighted holder and you a fair share of the royalties. See for instance Hal Leonard's "ArrangeMe" platform -
In reply to As noted, you need… by Marc Sabatella
If it’s true MuseScore “doesn’t handle sales of any kind “, then why are there so many scores on the site that require I pay for them despite having paid an annual subscription?
Secondly, for the charts that require a payment (even though there are no sales of any kind), who does that money go to when I purchase one?
In reply to If it’s true MuseScore … by
The website didn’t do sales three years ago, but things have changed now that Muse Group owns Hal Leonard. Now, selected scores published by HL - scores never available on at all in the past - are made available for purchase. Presumably, revenue from those sales goes to HL and then they share with the composer / copyright owner according to whatever agreement they have.
For scores accessed via subscription - user arrangements of music from other publishers - that revenue goes directly to the respective publishers, who also share with the original composer / current copyright owner according according to whatever agreement they have in place.
In reply to If it’s true MuseScore … by
Yours and mine is not a topic for, but for
Having said that, we here at .org too often find ourselves offering sympathy when folk get snookered by some of the tomfoolery that occurs at .com... ;-)
Check this out:
Here's what I see today at that link:
It says: Buy this score for $2.49. Look at that score! :-0
That's actually good news because the price has been dropped. It was $3.99 this past November!!
I think I'll wait for a further price reduction for such a quality score. Can't wait to download and play it!
Disclaimer: I am not a Pro member. You, as a Pro+ member, may be able to pay more money to get additional products/subscriptions. Just be sure to cancel well in advance of any unwanted automatic renewals.
In reply to This is not a topic for… by Jm6stringer
I don't see that
In reply to I don't see that by Jojo-Schmitz
You are Pro
In reply to I don't see that by Jojo-Schmitz
Also for sale:
(I've previously shown this to you - though in a different thread.)
In reply to Also for sale: [inline:for… by Jm6stringer
The problem with this score is that it is misidentified in the database. There are probably multiple entries for that song, some marked PD but others not because they are associated with arrangements from a licensed publisher. So you need to go and fix the entry (click “…”, update score, and select the correct entry from the dropdown). That happens from time to time if one isn’t careful to select the right variant when uploading.
In reply to Also for sale: [inline:for… by Jm6stringer
Crap, this should be PD
In reply to Also for sale: [inline:for… by Jm6stringer
Please check again now
In reply to Please check again now by Jojo-Schmitz
All good.
In reply to All good. by Marc Sabatella
Perfect, thanks.
Pretty annoying when you publish something that should be free but have no way to check yourself whether it really is and need others to tell you that is trying to make money with it.
In reply to Perfect, thanks. Pretty… by Jojo-Schmitz
I created a free account using an email alias, and I log into that in an I cognitive window in Chrome when I want to check how some things works for free accounts. But also, you can generally check and fix the status yourself as you did - the text is just extra peace of mind.
When uploading a piece that is not original, often there are multiple listings for it because of slight variations in the spelling of the title or whatever. Be sure to choose one explicitly identified as PD if there is one. But sometimes none are already identified as such and you need to go through the extra step of declaring it PD.
In reply to Perfect, thanks. Pretty… by Jojo-Schmitz
> ...and need others to tell you that is trying to make money with it. <
For this one...
...the score info. states:
"Published by permission of the arranger, who arranged the original Piano piece for String Quartett."
So, does that mean you received permission from the arranger to charge $2.49, or did .com receive permission to charge?
(Most scores don't even mention "permission".)
In reply to > ...and need others to tell… by Jm6stringer
Neither! I got the permission to publish it, so it is an Original Work (Arrangement, based in a Public Domain work) that score should be free to download even for non-Pro users.
In reply to Neither! I got the… by Jojo-Schmitz
And that is for all 3 Preludes.
In reply to > ...and need others to tell… by Jm6stringer
Check the license: "Attribution, non-commercial, share alike"
So nobody is entitled to collect any money for it and
I really don't get what does not get about this!
In reply to > ...and need others to tell… by Jm6stringer
I hope to have it fixed now, for Prelude I and Prelude II, as far as I can tell Prelude III was 'correctly' setup already
As per the statistics none of my 4 public scores have ever been downloaded before those changes, not sure I can trust that though, whether 'commercial' downloads count there.
I do (now again) know why I don't/won't publish any of my other 870+ scores...
(besides the difficulty to determine which of them are PD or Original Work and which are under copyright)
In reply to I hope to have it fixed now,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Just for fun, I had the thought to "buy" one of those non-commercial, share alike scores; but I was reluctant to step into the money-grabbing trickery (perceived or factual) often unwittingly encountered and reported about by other dotorg forum posters... ;-)
In reply to Just for fun, I had the… by Jm6stringer
But you can download them now, without payment?
In reply to But you can download them… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, no nag screens about needing any payment or subscription.
Point of interest:
I downloaded the 3 Preludes. When the first came up as "This file was last saved in MuseScore 3.6.2", I dragged the lot of them from my download folder into Mu3 and they opened instantaneously (using those wonderful separate tabs).
Of course, they also open in Mu4 (one at a time in separate instances).
BTW: I believe O_Come_O_Come_Emmanuel never had a paywall.
In reply to Yes, no nag screens about… by Jm6stringer
Yes, all my scores are 3.6 ones (with a very few experimental exceptions)
In reply to Yes, no nag screens about… by Jm6stringer
Up in you claimed O Come O Come Emmanuel to have been behind a paywall
In reply to In… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah yes,
I need sleep... how do you manage to do it all?