How to make certain measures silent...
Hello, beginner's question with Musescore 4.4.4: I have a very simple score with only two instruments (piano and violin). I want to make some violin measures silent, but I don't know how to do it (if it's feasible). Can you help me? Thanks in advance.
In reply to [inline:25020601.png] by Shoichi
Thank you for your quick response. I did as mentioned, in the order given (1,2,3). But it's impossible for me to find somewhere the mention "Intensity" on the Note frame of my version 4.4.4. I must have probably missed something but I don't know what...
In reply to Thank you for your quick… by Pierre92128
To view Properties press F8.
Number 3 is halfway... select the 'playback' button to access Intensity.
In reply to Number 3 is halfway… by Shoichi
Thanks but it still doesn't work. But I ended up finding the right solution: after selecting the notes (and/or measures), you have to uncheck the “Played” (Joué) box and set the velocity (or intensity) to 1.