file corrotto
potete provare ad aprire questo file corrotto, è molto importante. grazie
a me non funziona più purtroppo...
Attachment | Size |
SOMEBODY TO LOVEE.mscz | 173.14 KB |
potete provare ad aprire questo file corrotto, è molto importante. grazie
a me non funziona più purtroppo...
Attachment | Size |
SOMEBODY TO LOVEE.mscz | 173.14 KB |
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Hai qualche idea su come ciò sia potuto accadere?
In reply to Hai qualche idea su come ciò… by mercuree
no, lo spartito è stato creato tutto in una volta sola, potrei sapere come hai fatto a sistemarlo per il futuro?
In reply to no, lo spartito è stato… by mpersiani
Risponderò in inglese.
Sometimes Musescore writes giant fractions to the file for irregular measure.
People often complain about this problem, but we don't know what actions cause this, so Musescore developers can't fix it.
All we can do is reduce the fractions in the files that users attach.
In reply to Risponderò in inglese… by mercuree
MuseScore Studio 4.5 might be better on this, as of the comming nightly build...
It does open that score without a glitch
In reply to MuseScore Studio 4.5 might… by Jojo-Schmitz
This is weird. I downloaded the latest nightly (MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.0-250420304, revision: b9d1081) and it gives the same error:
File “” is critically corrupted and cannot be processed.
In reply to This is weird. I downloaded… by mercuree
Read again, I wrote the next nightly
In reply to Read again, I wrote the next… by Jojo-Schmitz
sorry, my bad. The latest nightly actually opens this file.
In reply to sorry, my bad. The latest… by mercuree
Sorry for having confused you, saying one thing and doing another ;-)
In reply to This is weird. I downloaded… by mercuree
I was using a self built one