Trill Playback Bug

• Feb 20, 2025 - 18:17

I have a particular score in which a two notes are trilled in the first 4 measures. During playback, each of these trilled notes, which are 2 beats, are playing even after the 2 beats have ended, and to my knowledge, don't seem to stop playing.
What's interesting is that if remove the trills from the notes, everything is normal. If I switch the trill out with a trill with prall line, everything is normal. If I start the playback after the trills in the musescore editor, everything is normal. If I start the playback after the trills on, this bug persists.
Here is the score:
The musescore file is attached below.

Attachment Size
capriccio8.mscz 87.58 KB


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