default dynamic setting for piano solo score
In a voice piano score what is the default dynamic for the piano, is it mp, mf ?
In a voice piano score what is the default dynamic for the piano, is it mp, mf ?
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I think it is mf for all instruments.
In reply to I think it is mf for all… by SteveBlower
It appears to be mp rather than mf.
I made a brief score with the first few measures simply at the default dynamic, then several measures at mp and other measures at mf. I exported the score as a .WAV and imported it into Audacity and measured the rms of each section. The mf measures were ~4.6 db louder than the mp measures (very repeatably so!) and the default measures matched up with the mp measures, quite exactly.
I only measured the MuseScore default Piano, but I would certainly assume that it would be the same for all of the MuseScore default instruments. Now, MuseSounds instruments might not match up as precisely since they are sampled, rather than synthesized, but I would expect that they are aiming to get them playing at about the same level.
In reply to It appears to be mp rather… by TheHutch
Maybe, maybe not. My tests of a few different instruments showed the default volume to be roughly in between mp and mf. And slightly closer to mf. It really doesn't surprise that things are inconsistent.
In reply to Maybe, maybe not. My tests… by bobjp
If you are only using the default it doesn't matter whether it's mf, mp or fff. If it's too loud, turn down the volume control; if it's too quiet, turn it up.
In reply to If you are only using the… by SteveBlower
Agree. What is the default volume of a TV show?
In reply to Agree. What is the default… by underquark
The problem comes if you change the dynamic later. You can't get back to the default.
So it's best to always add a dynamic at the beginning.