MuseScore untranlated bits

• Feb 21, 2025 - 14:20

Dear all,

do you know where I can find the strings for translation in version 4.5-beta:
- drum pads (see attachment)
- notification window for "input by duration" when first opening the program
- is it possible to expect the opportunity of translating musical instruments in the "create form template" tab in the near future?


Attachment Size
Drumpads untranslated.png 25.85 KB


  • Sound names may not be intended for translations, not sure.
    There are translations for those though, maybe they don't get used because of a bug? E.g.:
        { DrumNum(42),       QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("engraving/drumset", "Closed Hi-Hat") },

I don't understand why that doesn't show, as far as I understand the code it should. But I do see that it is not, neither in German. So this should get into a GitHub issue.

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