Corrupted File
I had just finished writing a piece in Musescore 4 when we had a momentary power outage. When electricity was restored a couple of minutes later, I tried to open my file and got the message that it was corrupted and that it might cause Musescore to malfunction. The message then asked whether I wanted to open the file anyway, and I clicked "Yes." I waited a long time, but the file never loaded. Is there any way to restore a corrupted file and get my work back?
Please attach the file here.
In reply to Please attach the file here. by Asher S.
Here it is. It should be thirty-seven measures long, but I don't know whether anything is left in it or not.
In reply to Here it is. It should be… by stephenarndt
"I don't know whether anything is left in it or not."
There is absolutely nothing left but zeros, and therefore irrecoverable.
See now: (see the section for MuseScore 4, second part of the page)
In reply to No, irrecoverable. by cadiz1
Okay. Thanks for trying. I do appreciate it.
You can try Recuva…
Use *.mscz| instead of *.txt|