Bluetooth changing pitch and tempo
What the title says.
If I have a score open when I connect my Bluetooth speaker, my MS playback changes in both pitch and tempo. This occurs on any and all scores, so there's no point in attaching the offending file, and depending on which is opened first, (BT or MS) the tempo and pitch are either raised or lowered.
Let me break it down.
`1. If I have a score open in MS and then open BT, the tempo drops by about 10 BPM, and the pitch by about a semitone. When I close BT, the playback returns to normal.
- If I have BT open before MS, the playback is normal, but if I subsequently turn the BT speaker off, the tempo and pitch go UP by about the same amounts.
This is all a matter of curiosity, as I can easily avoid the issue by not using BT at all. Unfortunately, I can't test this on another system, as I only have one laptop and one BT speaker, so it all could just be something with my own setup.
Has anyone else had this happen on their system?
There has always been some kind of issue changing audio devices while MuseScore is open Personally I don't use BT because there is a delay in sound in any app.
In reply to There has always been some… by bobjp
I don’t use BT when working on scores, but I do use it for other things. I only noticed this issue after returning to a score after listening to some dinner music on BT.
Hi, this usually is caused by a change of sampling rate used by the system. BT devices often have a fixed setting, in most cases 44.1Khz, while laptop/other hardware has configurable settings and in most cases run at 48Khz.
When MS starts, it will try to negotiate a desired sample rate and use that. It won't update/change it while it is running.
In reply to Hi, this usually is caused… by Henk De Groot
This makes sense. MS has long had issues with BT. I seem to remember that a few years back you would have to restart your audio device any time you used BT. (Or was that Jack or something like that?)