Changing notehead and stem offsets

• Mar 4, 2025 - 16:18


Is there a better/easier way to change notehead and stem offsets?

This is for R/L sticking notation for marching snare pieces.

I've attached a pic of the result I am getting by changing the offsets in Properties. This leaves the beam unattached from the stems and looks messy.


Attachment Size
snare sticking.png 8.69 KB


In reply to by bobjp

I think he's entering notes on the line and using offset to move the notes above and below the line to indicate right and left hand sticking (???)

If so, using offset is definitely not the right way to do this, but I don't know what the right way would be.

In reply to by TheHutch

I think you are right. I missed that. But offset can be used. Noteheads, stems, and beams should be moved separately, In the OP image, stems can be made longer or shorter. You have to select "show more" at the bottom of the Properties window. I think for the first stem, you should be able to select it and drag the selection box down.

In reply to by johncookehull

You may need to select "appearance" twice to see the "show more" option. Adjust the heads first then each stem (offset and/or length.

If by chance all you care about is the notation and sound (and not the labels), you could set up a bongo part and change the sound to snare.

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