Poco rit.
what it be possible to Palettes > Tempo > add another option: "Poco rit."
I have a lot of use for it. I believe others would too as its pretty common.
what it be possible to Palettes > Tempo > add another option: "Poco rit."
I have a lot of use for it. I believe others would too as its pretty common.
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See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/palettes#customize-contents
In reply to See https://musescore.org/en… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for a hint, but i am not experienced enough to make customized tempo so it would play correctly with "Mixer".
In reply to Thanks for a hint, but i am… by Niejoks Joks
Read through these instructions. There are several steps, but not that hard.
Add a rit to a short note in a score ( because we don't want the line to show).
Select the rit and open Properties.
Under Tempo Change, select Text. (may need to hit Appearance once or twice)
Under Beginning Text, add poco before rit. click in the score. Rit will change.
In that Properties tab, select Playback>Tempo change. Change it to 90%, or so.
Open the palette where you want to add poco rit.
Left click the poco rit. Hold CTRL+SHIFT. Select and drag the poco rit to the desired palette.
Don't release until you see a + sign in a box.
Interestingly enough when you add this to a score, it will only slow down the amount you specified.
A side note: i mostly use MuseScore to help my kid learn to play instruments. When teachers give new peace of music - i enter the notes in MuseScore and then play it with Mixer and kid is playing along on instrument.
Difference between rit and poco rit. is subjective, but still would be nice to show by example what it means.
Lots of possible variants on rit. and accel.:
ma non tanto ("But not much")
ma non troppo ("But not too much")
meno ("Less")
molto ("Very")
piu ("More")
poco ("A little")
All of them are very easy to create in MuseScore. (And none of them have anything to do with the Mixer???) The only difficult part is for the performer to decide exactly how much to slow down or speed up.
Let's begin by creating a poco rit. as you asked about.
1) Input the notes.
2) Click the note where the poco rit. is to begin.
3) Ctrl+click the note where it is to end. Now the first and last notes of the poco rit. line are selected (usually light blue).
4) Open the Tempo palette and click on the rit. tool. This will add it to that particular selection of notes.
5) Click the rit. to select it.
6) Click the Properties tab (upper left).
7) Under Tempo change click on Text
8) The Beginning text currently shows "rit.". Change it to "poco rit."
9) Click the Playback button.
10) Set the Amount field to the percentage you want the symbol to slow or speed the tempo.
The Amount for rit. defaults to "75%". The performer must decide how much this particular rit. (or accel. or poco rit. or molto accel. or whatever the mark is) is to slow or speed up. If you're going to accept the default 75% for rit., then a reasonable poco rit. would be anywhere from 80% to 90%.