Augmentation dots *after* pitch
Coming from Finale after two decades plus, I want to tap the . key after I've tapped the pitch, for a dotted note. At this same point, I can also add an accidental, change the pitch, add additional notes, etc., so I'm pretty much used to it.
Are there any plans to add this function? I know it's a little thing but it would sure help me!
The button, selected a note, should increase its value.
In reply to The button, selected a note,… by Shoichi
That button has to be tapped with the mouse, before entering the pitch. I'm using the numberpad to select the duration. I would like to add the dot AFTER I've already entered the pitch.
In reply to That button has to be tapped… by mikey12045
add the dot AFTER I've already entered the pitch Have you tried selecting a note, already entered, and using the icon?
In reply to add the dot AFTER I've… by Shoichi
That doesn't seem to work. I would have to enter the pitch, again.
In reply to That doesn't seem to work. I… by mikey12045
Is this close? I'm in note input mode on beat 4 of a 4/4 measure. I want to add a dotted 1/8th note E.
I hit "4" (1/8 note) then "." (for the dot), then "E" (for the pitch). I know you want to enter the pitch first. But this way you don't have to use the mouse. MU4 wants duration first.
In reply to Is this close? I'm in note… by bobjp
Still not what I mean. But I found the solution in one of the videos. I can use one of the modifier keys (don’t remember which one) and Q to lengthen the entered note by 50% which dots the note.
Thanks for trying, though!
In reply to Still not what I mean. But I… by mikey12045
If you are willing to hit a few keys to Extend a note, this make more sense to me:
After entering a duration and pitch, Hit N then the period ( and/or sharp, flat or natural) then N again.
All this makes me glad I don't use Keyboard entry. I know it is way slower. But it is more consistent between apps.