New banner for .org site

• Mar 15, 2025 - 19:14

I guess I'm a bit late on this but it's nice to see get a banner which distinguishes it from the .com site.


In reply to by yonah_ag

No, the search for sheet music pointing to another site shouldn't be the big obvious first search box on musescore studio.
After all, to reuse the analogy frequently used here, when you enter a yamaha guitar shop, you don't expect the the first big counter being a motorcycle sales one?

In reply to by Jm6stringer


Thanks for illustrating what I've ALWAYS thought would be the ideal search field solution.

But then there's the always the impetus for up sale, i.e. have the larger, more noticeable search field $end users to the $ales .com forum.

That said, I'm all for MuseScore and artists making money, but not at the expense years-long confusion.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, that makes sense. There's also room after the "Search forum" to add a link to .com's home page, (not a search), then anyone landing on the .org page would surely use the link to .com if they were actually looking for sheet music. I can't see that harming sheet music sales.

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