MS 4.5 - Instability in system text placement

• Mar 17, 2025 - 17:25

Noticed this just after installing 4.5... I went back and re-installed 4.4, and don't have this issue with 4.4:

After putting a system break at the end of bar 4, I put a system text object on bar 1, and another on bar 5 (so the second one was at the beginning of the second line).

When I tried to slightly move the second text object, it "attached" itself to bar 1 and overlaid the 1st text object. If I then try to move it, it becomes erratic and sometimes disappears completely.


"After putting a system break at the end of bar 4, I put a system text object on bar 1, and another on bar 5 (so the second one was at the beginning of the second line).
When I tried to slightly move the second text object, it "attached" itself to bar 1 and overlaid the 1st text object."

I cannot reproduce with OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.0-250721848, revision: 7c55023

Can you attach a score or sample score showing the problem described?
EDIT: what system text object precisely?

In reply to by cadiz1

UPDATE: see my next post

Odd... I just re-downloaded MS 4.5 and can't replicate it myself. I think I did the same thing... 2 lines with notation, chords, & rehearsal marks, then the system text objects. All worked fine this time.

Sorry to bother, but thanks for looking.


In reply to by cadiz1

I'm back, & I re-created it, unfortunately...
In the attached, the system text (inserted by CTRL-SHIFT-T) that says "DRUMS IN" was originally inserted at the beginning of bar 9. It's now "attached" to bar 1 and moving it makes it move to random parts of the screen.

This is my own template.

From the "About MuseScore" dialog:
Musescore is OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.0-250721848, revision: 7c55023

Attachment Size
Interlude - Rock Royalty.mscz 36.6 KB

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