For now I will leave tuplets alone because I have a more 'priority' question, this is:
I have just downloaded Musescore 4.5. I am attempting to tie 2 notes together, these note are in separate measures. However, the notes that are illuminated on the top row always stay on when I try to make the tie so I not only get the tie but an additional note as well which I do not want. In edit mode, I do I manage to access the tie symbol ONLY ?
Best to open a new thread if you have a different topic to ask about. People who know about "ties" won't particularly open this thread since it's obviously not about ties.
I'm assuming that you have two same-pitch notes in measure 24 and 25 (or wherever)? I will guess that you select both notes and press the T key or click the tie button on the toolbar. This ties the two and also adds a third, also tied to the two. Is that correct?
If so, that's the problem. Select ONLY the first note of the tie. Then press the T key or click the tie button. This will create a tie between the selected note and the next same-pitch note. If there is not a subsequent same-pitch note, it adds one. (Since obviously, if you want to tie from a note there must be a note to tie TO.)
In inputting notes, this is very useful: As an example, let's say I want to create the following measure (from a recent composition that I am dissatisfied with :-(
I type ...
6 - Set duration to a half note
B - Typing the pitch enters a note with the current duration
3 - Set duration to a sixteenth note
T - Create a new note with the current duration and the current note's (the half note B) pitch and tied to the current note
4 - Set duration to an eighth note
. - Set duration to the current duration plus an augmentation dot (that is, a dotted eighth note)
B - Typing the pitch enters a note with that pitch and the current duration (again, a dotted eighth note)
5 - Set duration to a quarter note
T - Create a new note with the current duration and the current note's (the dotted eighth note B) pitch and tied to the current note
I can assure you that typing ...
... is the fastest possible way of entering this particular measure. Even using the mouse equivalents is the fastest way to enter that measure with a mouse.
Yes, there is such a thing. What question do you have about them?
If you simply want to know how to make them, read
In reply to Yes, there is such a thing… by TheHutch
For now I will leave tuplets alone because I have a more 'priority' question, this is:
I have just downloaded Musescore 4.5. I am attempting to tie 2 notes together, these note are in separate measures. However, the notes that are illuminated on the top row always stay on when I try to make the tie so I not only get the tie but an additional note as well which I do not want. In edit mode, I do I manage to access the tie symbol ONLY ?
Thank you,
In reply to For now I will leave tuplets… by kevinburke6
Best to open a new thread if you have a different topic to ask about. People who know about "ties" won't particularly open this thread since it's obviously not about ties.
I'm assuming that you have two same-pitch notes in measure 24 and 25 (or wherever)? I will guess that you select both notes and press the T key or click the tie button on the toolbar. This ties the two and also adds a third, also tied to the two. Is that correct?
If so, that's the problem. Select ONLY the first note of the tie. Then press the T key or click the tie button. This will create a tie between the selected note and the next same-pitch note. If there is not a subsequent same-pitch note, it adds one. (Since obviously, if you want to tie from a note there must be a note to tie TO.)
In inputting notes, this is very useful: As an example, let's say I want to create the following measure (from a recent composition that I am dissatisfied with :-(
I type ...
6 - Set duration to a half note
B - Typing the pitch enters a note with the current duration
3 - Set duration to a sixteenth note
T - Create a new note with the current duration and the current note's (the half note B) pitch and tied to the current note
4 - Set duration to an eighth note
. - Set duration to the current duration plus an augmentation dot (that is, a dotted eighth note)
B - Typing the pitch enters a note with that pitch and the current duration (again, a dotted eighth note)
5 - Set duration to a quarter note
T - Create a new note with the current duration and the current note's (the dotted eighth note B) pitch and tied to the current note
I can assure you that typing ...
... is the fastest possible way of entering this particular measure. Even using the mouse equivalents is the fastest way to enter that measure with a mouse.
In reply to Best to open a new thread if… by TheHutch
Thank you very much - a great help!