New install of 4.5 erased all my instruments and preferences

• Mar 21, 2025 - 11:03

upon installing 4.5 all my preferences and custom instruments i had made in 4.4 are now gone. hours of work on the instruments for me. poof! gone. because of some sort of a programmer who thinks they know best ???? not cool. just not cool. i know this is open source. i know the release was a little later than originally scheduled, but i would so much have preferred a competent release instead of a hacked one.

this could appear under development forum or bugs or general either way. so here it is.


What format were your instruments and where did you have them stored? And what procedure did you use tyo update?

In reply to by bobjp

the instruments were part of the instruments.xml file. preferences were also in their default location. I installed to musescore 4-5 program directories instead of musescore 4-4 in order to keep my old 4.4 information, but all the 4.4. stuff was eliminated anyway even though that was not the working directory for the 4.5 install. i just also noticed my 4 and 4-1 directories in the program files directory are also now emptied of all data. my musecore 3 directory is still populated as usual. i wonder what else musescore decided to just go on a tangent and delete. i installed via this file: MuseScore-Studio- and followed the directions changing the install directory to musescore 4-5.

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