I would like to download the latest version of MS and print it for easy reference

• Mar 23, 2025 - 15:07

How do I download and print the latest version?


In reply to by pam.haft@gmail.com

MuseScore can't delete scores. Use whatever your operating system has to offer for this task, like Explorer on Windows, Finder on Mac
If you just want to clean up the home screen: that is just a list of links to files. You can empty that list by reverting to factory settings or by locating and deleting "recent_files.json".

I'm guessing that you want to print the latest version of the MuseScore 4 Handbook. It is a collection of webpages. As far as I know, it does not exist in a one-page format anywhere. You would have to follow EACH link and download dozens of pages (perhaps even hundreds?) MUCH easier to reference it as a collection of web documents.

In reply to by TheHutch

> As far as I know, it does not exist in a one-page format anywhere. <

For the MuseScore 4 handbook, have a look here:

For the 'Gitbook' (newest repository):
The first sections there contain mainly techno-jargon about contributing to the handbook (e.g., style, syntax, revisions, etc.) after which the actual MuseScore Studio software usage information begins -- at "Download and installation".
This handbook is under revision. The latest copy can be downloaded as a PDF. (The PDF I got was 24.8 MB, 784 pages).

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